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Emery County Progress receives community service award


"Some of the Progress awards."

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The Emery County Progress newspaper had a very good showing at the recent Utah Press Association winter convention. The newspaper won several awards in various categories taking second place overall in Group I for papers with a circulation under 2,500.
The Emery County Progress won the Community Service award in their category. This award was won for the many community projects the paper has been involved with this past year. The paper was involved with fund raising and promotion of the Crandall Canyon Miners Memorial placed in Huntington. The paper was involved with projects including raising money to buy food for the Emery County Food Bank. The Emery County Progress sponsored the Shop Emery County campaign which encouraged local residents to shop at home and also donated prizes for the event along with other local entities including the large prize which was a TV where the paper partnered with Earl’s Furniture in Huntington to offer this nice prize for the community.
The Progress placed first for the breaking news story of the year which was the article surrounding the events where Montell Seely was killed in a handcart/vehicle accident last August.
The sports column written by Gary Arrington took a third place. The classified ad section garnered a first place spot. The Progress also won a first place for the best circulation promotion idea. First place for the best in-house promotion idea. First place for the best website design. Third place for the best run of the paper ad campaign. First place for the best advertising idea. Second place for a Patsy Stoddard photo of the Emery High rodeo. Second place for a Patsy Stoddard news photo of the Crandall Canyon Miners Memorial dedication event where Bessie Allred, Kerry Allred’s widow was placing flowers upon the monument in Kerry’s honor.
The staff at the Emery County Progress is happy to be a part of the Emery County community and hopes to continue to serve the community into the future.
Watch for upcoming new features to the website. Classified ads can now be purchased 24/7 on line on the Progress website at www.ecprogress.com
Other new features to the website will be a youth section. Plans are also underway to feature the Emery High newspaper on the Progress website as well as other pertinent information for youth. The staff will continue to follow the events of the county and if you have an activity or a story you would like to see in print, don’t hesitate to call 381-2431 and let us know.

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