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Lady Spartans struggle in region contests


"The team congratulates Makia Sherman on her home run."


After starting the softball season batting well, fielding well and pitching well, the Emery High Lady Spartans are now in what appears to be a slump as they struggle to win region ball games. It could be that they do not like playing in the cold as most of their wins have come in warmer temperatures but until the warmth hits here again we will not know that for sure.
Last week Emery played two games in windy, blustery, cold conditions and lost both of those contests. On Tuesday, Emery hosted Juan Diego and lost 11-4 and on Thursday, Emery traveled to Carbon and lost 9-1.
Emery fell behind early in both games and never really made a run at their opponent on either day. Juan Diego scored three runs in the top of the first inning and Emery never got closer than two runs. Carbon scored three runs in the bottom of the first inning and two more in the second inning to lead comfortably throughout the game.
Makia Sherman, the top batter in the Spartan offense, led off the bottom of the first inning against Juan Diego with a homerun and Emery filled the bases as Danavin Reed, Michelle Oliver and Abbie Kay all got on but Emery was unsuccessful at scoring anymore runs in the inning.
Emery scored another run in the bottom of the third inning as Markette Tanner singled, got to second on a Reed walk and scored on a ball hit by Kay that was misplayed by the shortstop. Emery’s last two runs came in the sixth inning. After Shelby Mason singled, Adriane Weihing hit a fielder’s choice, Sherman singled and both advanced on bunt by Oliver. Both scored on a single by Gabby Guymon.
Against Carbon, the first seven Emery batters struck out as the Spartan hitters seemed to be kept off balance by the Dino pitcher. In the third inning, freshman JoLynn Jennings singled with two out and scored the lone run of the day for Emery when Sherman followed her with a triple. Sherman was unable to score.
Against Carbon, Emery had five base hits with Sherman’s triple being the lone extra base hit. Ten batters for the Spartans struck out and two batters walked. Against Juan Diego, Emery had seven base hits in the game. Sherman’s homerun was the only extra base hit for Emery and Sherman also had a single in the game. Danavin Reed went three for three in the game with a walk. Guymon and Tanner had the other base hits.
Emery will travel to Salem Hills this Tuesday and to Union on Wednesday.

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