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Brandi Jeffs, Courtney Ivory


"Brandi Jeffs, Courtney Ivory"

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Jarold and Gay Lee Jeffs announce the marriage of their daughter, Brandi Kay Jeffs to Courtney James Ivory, son of Karl and Cindy Ivory on April 24 in the Mt. Timpanogos LDS Temple.
A reception will be held in their honor on April 25 from 6-8 p.m. in the 800 North LDS Chapel.
Grandparents of the bride are Jerry and Kay Jeffs, Castle Dale; Emma Lee Larsen, Castle Dale; Gary and Michael Larsen, Huntington; great-grandparents are Keith and Joyce Larsen, Huntington.
Grandparents of the groom are James and Dorothy Ivory, Fountain Green.

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