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Huntington City residents vote on flour mill


"Surveys were sent to each boxholder in Huntington to get their input on whether the city should purchase the old mill and look at restoring it."


At May Huntington City council meeting, the council heard the good news that city sidewalk money is going to go much farther than anticipated. Mayor Hilary Gordon reported that she was “thrilled” at the bid opening. Partially due to the economic slow down, the bid was much lower than expected and the city will get much more sidewalk work done.
Councilman Jerry Livingston reported that the city would get almost twice as much done this year as previously thought. The contractor with the low bid will start work in early June and is scheduled to finish in early September.
The mayor also reported that the early voting in what to do with the flour mill is going against doing anything. But, they have heard from many in the community that are excited for the city to purchase the old mill. If Huntington City owns the mill and property then it can apply for grants for its restoration. Huntington City encourages everyone to get their response back to the city hall.
The Huntington City treasurer led the discussion on the 2009-10 budget workshop. She reported that Huntington City’s income is way down for the year. She reported that sales tax returned to the city is down almost $60,000 and that interest income is also down. Each department was encouraged to look at their budget and see where cuts could be made.
The mayor made several appointments. LaRae Majors, Keith Freestone, Edward Geary and Jeanine Thomson were all appointed to the board of adjustment. Robert Baker was appointed to the planning and zoning committee. The city council approved the appointments.
Councilmember Cathy Cowley reported the splash pad at Lions’ Park should be done soon and that the soccer field is almost ready to sod.
Councilman Livingston also reported that sidewalk from 400 South to the Lawrence road was bid out with the same contractor doing the work as on the other sidewalks.
Councilmembers Larsen and Jones reported that the city’s annual cleanup was a success with many residents improving their homes and the city cemetery was also successfully cleaned in time for Memorial Day.

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