Summer Pan Sale
Emery County School District 120 North Main, Huntington July 20-Aug. 7, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. daily.
Notice about the Castle Valley Pageant
The Castle Valley Pageant will not be held this year. The pageant will be held again in 2010. The Church Pageant Committee elected to only have the pageant every other year.
Local Singer Songs Online
Rachel Peterson’s songs can be heard online now at Her stage name is Leah.
Help Burn Victim
In lieu of flowers or gifts, an account has been set-up at America First Credit Union under the name of Jake Marland. Donations will help with Jake’s expenses during the coming months, and a portion will be given to the Burn Trauma Intensive Care Unit in the University of Utah Hospital.
Senior Center July Calendar
Emery Center: exercise, Mon – Fri. 8-9:30 a.m., Lunch every Wednesday. Band – July 22 – fourth Wednesday.
Castle Dale Center:
blood pressure-July 21. Lunch/Bingo-every Tuesday. Line Dancing-every Thursday-10 a.m. Art Class-every Tuesday – 3 p.m. Phase 10 games – every Thurs. Rook club – every Thursday-1:30 p.m. Shopping Bus – call for reservation. Craft Day has been cancelled until further notice.
Huntington Center:
Blood pressure – July 27. Lunch/Bingo – every Monday. Exercise – 6:30 a.m. Mon. – Fri. Shopping Bus-call for reservation.
Ferron Center:
Blood pressure – July 20 – Lunch – Mon./Tues. Exercise-every Thurs. 1 p.m.
Green River Center:
Bingo-July 15. Lunch – Tuesday/Wednesday. Ceramics and/or Shopping – call for dates.
Know Before You Go
ATV permit test will be held as soon as there are enough participants. You must be between the ages of 8-16 and you must pre-register at the Emery County Recreation office located at 75 South 400 East in Castle Dale. Cost for the test is $10. For more information, contact Emery County Recreation at 381-2108 or Mark Williams at 381-2493.
Emery Town ” A Better Life”
Come to Emery Town and enjoy a great Pioneer Day Celebration. July 22 – 7 p.m. Big Sis-Little Miss Unpageant Pageant at the Community Center. July 23 – 7 p.m. softball game. July 24 – 7 a.m. breakfast in the park followed by a parade, patriotic program, kid’s games, horseshoe tournament, antique show, talent show dinner, softball playoff, fireworks, and a dance in the park. July 25 – 11 a.m. Emery Angels vs. The Mom’s softball game. 7 p.m. Rodeo – Kirk and Mistie Christiansen’s arena. Call the town office at 286-2417 for sign-up information.
Miss Peach Days
All girls residing in Clawson, Emery and Ferron are welcome to participate in the Peach Days Pageant. Applications can be picked up at the Ferron City Hall and need to be turned back in by Aug. 6.
Attention Cleveland Residents
Any resident interested in filing for the following offices need to file a declaration of candidacy at the town office during office hours between July 1-15. Tues. 9 a.m.-12 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Two councilpositions and one mayor position.Qualifications for a candidate are:1. Be a United States citizen. 2. Be a registered voter of the municipality. 3. Be a resident of the municipality for a period of 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the date of the election. 4. Not be a convicted felon
Castle Valley Pageant Commemoration Program
A commemoration program in honor of the late Montell Seely will be held on Aug. 1 at 7 p.m. at the pageant site. There will be music and entertainment. For more information call 687-2403 or 820-4187.
KARB Colgate Country Showdown in Carbon and Emery Counties
KARB Kickin Country is excited to bring back the Colgate Country Showdown to Price this July. The Showdown gives aspiring country artists a chance to launch their professional careers by being judged at a local level, hopefully moving on to a regional competition and maybe farther from there.This year’s regional contest will be held in Denver, Colo. To enter visit their website at or stop by and pick up an entry form. This year Emery County will host their own Showdown on Aug. 7 in Castle Dale. Those interested must enter by July 15, where the first 30 entries will be taken.
Chili Cookoff
Come and participate in the Chili Cookoff at the Emery County Fair on Aug. 8 from 4-5 p.m. Bring your Chili and your appetite and vote for your favorite chili.
Cleveland Days
Cleveland Days baby contest, Tuesday, July 21 at the Old Cleveland Town Hall from 2-5 p.m. Pre-registration is $10. Last day to pre-register is July 14. Send forms to Cleveland Baby Contest, Attn Melissa Allred, PO Box 123, Cleveland, Ut 84518. Registration at the door is $15. Contest is open to all children 0-36 months whose parents or grandparents live in Cleveland. Contest includes a photo of contestant, coupons and a prize. Awards will be at the Cleveland Park Saturday, July 25 after Parade. Any questions call Melissa Allred 653-2868. Cleveland Days Coaster Races. Hurry, the time to start building a coaster racer is now. Tuesday July 21, sign ups 6:30 p.m. South Center Street Cleveland. Races start at 7 p.m. Requirements: Must have at least three wheels, gravity powered, must be able to steer, must be able to stop, must wear a helmet, and sign permission slip. Cleveland Days Trap Shoot, July 22 6 p.m. $5 per person. Chance to win a gift certificate for a gun, 260 North 700 East, Cleveland – Shen Jensens. Cleveland Days Bike Ride. Rides for all ages. 10 mile and 20 mile rides. Or for the younger riders, a sidewalk ride around Town on the sidewalks. All sidewalk riders must be accompanied by an adult. Must register before the ride at the Cleveland Main Street Pavilion. Rides start at 6 p.m. Grand Prize – Mountain Bike. Rootbeer floats after the rides. Cleveland Days Free Concert, Party of 5. Special guest Hope Goshorn. Cleveland Days Parade, parade entries needed. Children’s parade.
Wise use of medications
Presentation, Castle Dale senior citizens center, July 17, 5-7pm. AARP Utah, in conjunction with Emery County Seniors and Boyd Nielson, of the Boyd’s Family Pharmacy will present a free Wise Use of Medications seminar on July 17, from 5-7 p.m. at the Castle Dale Senior Citizens Center, 85 North 200 East, in Castle Dale. Learn how to speak with your doctor about medications, manage medication use, and research medication choices. Common side effects and drug interactions will also be among the topics of discussion.