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Green River Community Center


"The artist's drawing of the new Community Center in Green River."

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Plans move forward for new building
Green River has long been in need of a new community center. The old community center practically fell down around the occupants as they tried to keep the old building in as good of shape as possible over the years and provide quality activities for the youth of Green River.
Since the demise of the old building, the center has been utilizing the old senior citizen building which belonged to Emery County. Emery County donated the building for use by the community center as they work towards construction of a new building.
Final plans for a new community center building are being finalized and excitement is growing for adding this state of the art facility to Green River City designed by renowned architect Marlon Blackwell. It will be built where the old center was located and enhance the Main Street, drawing tourists and townspeople for community events, and more importantly providing education facilities, physical activities, and a place for safety for the young people of Green River.
The building will house a HeadStart classroom, pre-school classroom, areas for art activities, music, sports, and quiet areas for students to get help with their homework. The kitchen will continue to provide Meals On Wheels, a Kids Cafe, and snacks. community events, receptions, banquets, and other needs would also have space available to use.
The building is especially appealing in that it incorporates “green” technology and will be energy efficient (they are seeking LEED Platinum designation). The use of these techniques will reduce the cost of maintenance and be an example to other cities in Utah.
A mock-up model and drawings are available for the public to see at the Center on 125 South Long Street in Green River.
Finding funding for the building is the main pursuit currently and there are many sources that are being looked into. One fundraiser in the near future is the annual golf tournament being held on Oct. 10 at the Green River Golf Course. Businesses in Green River and surrounding cities are being asked to contribute sponsorship donations and money or prizes to help make the tournament a success. Contact Joni Pace at 435-564-8199 to find out more information on how you can help.
Contributor: Judy Evans, Community Center board member.

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