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Lamb for sale

The Emery County 4-H Horse Council still has seasoned lamb left from the lamb fry. It is frozen and at the courthouse for $5.98 a pound, anyone interested call Emery County Extension at 381-2381.

Evening Adult Art Classes with

Michael Royall
Painting begins Sept. 8. Classes meet weekly for two hours: 7-9 p.m and will last for eight weeks. Sign up today: pre-pay tuition at Emery High School office 435-381-2689. $80 for each class (materials are included). Tuition must be paid before the start of class. Bring your creativity and have some fun. Hurry class size is limited to 20.

Peach Days Four Person Scramble

Sept. 12 at the Millsite Golf Course. All day play – play as many rounds as you’d like. Divisions are: family, mixed, mens, ladies. Call the pro shop for details or set your tee times at 384-2887.

Peach Days Kids Golf Tournament

Sept. 11. Format is a three hole four person scramble. Kids will be divided by age and teams will be drawn from a hat. Have your child at the clubhouse at 5 p.m. The groups are: ages 6-9 and ages 10-12 and cost is $4 per child. Call the pro shop to register your child at 384-2887. Thanks to TNT Enterprises for their $100 donation.

Castle Dale DUP

The Castle Dale Daughters of the Utah Pioneers will hold a luncheon and DUP meeting on Sept. 8 at 1 p.m. at the Castle Dale Senior Center. Everyone is encouraged to come out to the event and to bring a friend. The mission of the DUP’s is to preserve and remember pioneer heritage.

Soccer Referees Needed

The Emery County Youth Soccer League is looking for referees for the fall soccer season. Interested persons may call or stop by the Emery County Recreation Office. 75 South 400 East Castle Dale. 435-381-2108.

Green River Melon Days

Sept. 18:
Vendors at the park – noon until dark, 3 man golf scramble -golf course – 9 a.m. Baseball game w/Wasatch Academy at the High School – 2 p.m. Softball games -afternoon and evening. Queen Pageant at the High School – 7 p.m. Square Dancers – City Park – 8 p.m.
Sept. 19:
Melon Run 5K – North Long Street – 7 a.m. Breakfast at City Park – 7 a.m. Vendors at the Park – all day. Parade – 10 a.m. Entertainment at the Park 11:30 a.m. Softball games – all day and evening. Square Dancers – City Park 7:30 p.m. Dances at 9 p.m.

Ferron Peach Days

Sept. 8 – Race draw 6 p.m. fairgrounds. Parade your pet – 6 p.m. Mayors Park
Sept. 9 – Exhibits accepted at City Hall from 10 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Talent Show and Dessert Contest 6:30 p.m. – Mayors Park
Sept. 10 – Floral exhibits and baked or cooked items due at City Hall by 10 a.m. Bike Ride – 6 p.m. – Mayors Park.
Sept. 11 – exhibits on display at City Hall 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Dinner and Entertainment at the park – Dinner at the Fairgrounds Park from 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Fireworks – 8:30 p.m. – Millsite Reservoir.
Sept. 12 – Breakfast – 7 a.m.- 9 a.m. at the fire station. Fun Run 7 a.m. at the Old Church Park. All day golf tournament scramble at Millsite Golf Couse. Parade 10 a.m. Family Fun Day- immediately following parade .Soapbox derby race – noon – 100 East and Mill Road. Exhibits on display at City Hall noon – 5 p.m. Horse Races – 1 p.m. – fairgrounds. Demolition Derby following races at aproximately 6 p.m. Dance immediately following the derby in the multi purpose building at the fairgrounds. Ticket price to enter fairgrounds $7 per person or $25 per family. All activities are alcohol free events.

Hearing and Speech screening

Emery School District conducts annual speech and hearing screening to identify students who might need further evaluation of their speech or hearing. Students who fail the initial hearing screening will be given a re-test in 3 to 4 weeks. Screening is scheduled with the schools involved and takes place anytime during the school year. District Speech-Language Pathologists administer the tests. All district preschool, kindergarten, 1st grade, new students and any referrals will be screened for hearing. Pre-kindergarten students will be screened during kindergarten registration and 3rd grade students will be screened for speech only. Parents who do NOT want their child to receive speech or hearing screening tests must contact the school secretary.

Arapeen Trail Jamboree Ladies Only Ride

Come and join the fun on the “ladies only’ ride of the jamboree on September 9. The cost is $10 and includes allday guided ride and catered lunch on the mountain. All ladies are invited just bring your 4 wheeler and meet in Ferron at 9 a.m. For more information and details call Annette at 435-609-1260 or Corey at 435-381-5571. Pleae let us know if you plan to attend so we can have plenty of food.

Boy needs help

6 year old Xander Archuleta is in need of a bone marrow transplant. This family is in need of your assistance for treatment which will take place at Primary Children’s Medical Center in Salt Lake City, Utah and for associated expenses such as travel to treatments.
A donation account has been set up at Zion’s Bank under the name of Xander Archuleta. You can donate at any Zion’s Bank Branch by simply telling them Xander’s name.

Farmers Market

High Desert Growers will be holding a farmers market from 3:30 – 6:30 every Wednesday beginning August 12 through the end of the growing season at the Emery County Recreation Building. Come out and support our local farmers. Farmers and their produce are needed.

Emery High Tennis

The Emery High School tennis team will begin practice on August 17 at 7 a.m.
All girls 9-12 grades are encouraged to play. You do not need to have played tennis before. All you need is tennis shoes and a racquet.

Department of Workforce Services Free Workshops

Are you looking for employment?
Are you considering changing careers?
Do you want to know what skills employers are looking for?
Need help preparing a resume?
Do you want to practice your interview skills?
Then the Department of Workforce Services in Castle Dale is the place to come!
Free workshops are offered every Wednesday from 1 to 5 p.m. beginning Aug. 12 that cover these and other topics critical to your job search and career advancement.
Call 435-381-6116 for more information
550 West Hwy 29, Castle Dale

Senior Center August Calendar

Emery Center:
Exercise – Mon.-Fri.
8-9:30 a.m.
Lunch – Every Wednesday
Band – August 26.
Castle Dale Center:
Lunch/Bingo – Every Tuesday
Art Class – Every Tuesday – 3 p.m.
Phase 10 games – Every Thursday
Rook Club – Every Thursday -1:30 p.m.
Shopping Bus – Call for reservation
Huntington Center:
Lunch/Bingo – Every Monday
Excercise – Mon. – Fri. – 6:30 a.m.
Shopping bus – Call for reservation.
Ferron Center:
Lunch – Monday/Tuesday
Excercise – Every Thursday 1 p.m.
Green River Center:
Lunch – Tuesday/Wednesday
Ceramics and/or Shopping – Call for dates.

Local singer songs online

Rachel Peterson’s songs can be heard online now at http://www.iheartradio.com/new2/artists/missleah Her stage name is Leah.

Miss Peach Days

The Little Miss Peach Days pageant will be on Aug. 28 at 6 p.m. The Miss Peach Days will be on Aug. 29 at 7 p.m. Both pageants will be held at the Emery High auditorium in Castle Dale.

Food Handler’s Class

September 9
4 and 7 p.m.
SEUDHD – 25 W. Main Castle Dale. For more information call 381-2252. Classes will also be held in Price on September 8
9 a.m., and 4 and 7 p.m. at the SEUDHD in Price at 28 S. 100 E. For more information call 637-3671

Free Resource Makes Applying for Student Financial Aid Easier

Self-guided presentation walks students through the sometimes-confusing financial aid application process. The Utah Higher Education Assistance Authority is very pleased to announce “Navigating the FAFSA,” a much-needed new resource to help students complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (commonly called the “FAFSA”). This tool is a self-directed presentation that guides students through topics explaining the purpose of the FAFSA, how to obtain a PIN to sign their FAFSA securely online, what information should be gathered, how to complete the FAFSA, and how to submit it. Easily found on the front page of the UHEAA website, this presentation gives high school counselors and financial aid professionals another tool to help their students. To access the presentation go to http://www.uheaa.org/ and click on the “Navigating the FAFSA” button. The presentation can also be found through UHEAA’s Facebook page.

New AA Meeting

A newly established AA meeting will be held every Monday night from 7-8 p.m. at the Huntington Senior Center, 176 West 100 North.

Desert Edge Christian Chapel Website

Desert Edge Christian Chapel in Huntington is hosting a new website, www.desertedgecc.com. Information about services, current events, comments, prayer requests, sermons and Bible studies times are available on line.

Attention Emery County Residents

Do you have a friend or a loved one who is serving in the military in a combat zone? If so, Operation Home Support would like to add their names to their list. Once on the list, the ladies of Operation Home Support take it upon themselves to send these soldiers care packages and letters to let them know they are appreciated and loved. So if you have someone in mind, or know of someone who is serving in a combat zone in any branch of the military, please contact Jan Hess or Dixie Swasey to add their name to the list. Thank you for all of your help and support. American Legion Auxilary Unit 42 Jan Hess 435-384-2753 or Dixie Swasey 435-384-3172.

Looking for Injured Veterans

A New Orleans doctor is looking for veterans of either the Iraq war or the war in Afghanistan who have suffered traumatic brain injury or post traumatic stress disorder to participate in a free pilot trial of treatment that so far has had 100 percent beneficial results. Veterans who qualify will be flown to the clinic (and home later) free, and sponsors are making lodging, meals and transportation available at vastly reduced rates. Interested veterans are asked to call Dr. Harch’s office in New Orleans for an interview at (504) 309-4948.

Addiction Recovery Help

Narconon reminds parents that abuse of addictive pharmaceutical drugs with youth is on the rise. Learn to recognize the signs of drug abuse and get your kids help if they need it. Call Narconon for a free brochure on the signs of addiction for all classes of drugs. Narconon also offers free addiction counseling, assessments and referrals to rehabilitation centers. 877-413-3073 or www.drugsno.com

Attention: WWII Veterans

An 18 year old senior from Ostrander, Ohio is looking for stories and other memorabilea from WWII veterans. Contact: Kyle Nappi, 1890 Warren Road, Ostrander, OH 43061. knap607@yahoo.com

WWII Veterans

Seeking officers, enlisted men, WACs, cadets, Britons, civilians and /or their families and friends who were stationed at Cochran Field, or lived in Macon, Ga. during WWII, who would be willing to contribute artifacts, photos, articles and stories pertaining to their experience with the men and women working there. If so, contact: Mike Rowland, Archivist, WR-LC/MU, 1942 Heritage Blvd., Robins AFB GA 31098-2442.


To donate DVDs to veterans who otherwise do not have access to them, visit www.dvds4vets.org. For more information call Laurance at 1-914-835-3673.

Power Wheelchairs Available

The Senior Wheels USA Program makes available power wheelchairs to senior citizens and the permanently disabled at no cost to the recipient, if they qualify. The power wheelchairs are provided to those who can no longer walk safely, nor self propel a manual wheelchair and who meet the additional guidelines of the program. If the patient’s need is for use in the home, call for more information to see if they qualify. Call toll free 1-800-246-6010.

Looking for Host Families

Academic Foundation for International Cultural Exchange is looking for host families in the local area to host a foreign exchange student. These young ambassadors are between 15 and 18 years of age and all speak English. Student’s profiles will start arriving for students from various countries. Students come with their own spending money and medical insurance. Call Anne Ring, 1-866-462-3423 if you are interested in opening your hearts and homes to one of these individuals.

Community Representatives Needed

Academic Foundation for International Cultural Exchange is looking for community representatives to assist in finding host families and work with the students and their families during the school year. Individuals must enjoy teenagers and have good communication skills. Call Anne Ring, 1-866-462-3243 if you are interested in learning more about becoming a community representative.

Drug Rehab Resource

Problems with a drug or alcohol addiction in a loved one? Don’t know whom to turn to for help? Contact Drug Rehab Resource for a free confidential consultation to find the help you need. Call today 1-866-649-1594 or find out more at www.drugrehabresource.net.

Host Families

ASSE is seeking local families to host high school boys and girls from diverse countries around the world. Call 1-800-733-2773.

Host Families Needed

Open your heart and home to an international exchange student. P.I.E. urgently needs host families and area representatives. Call 1-800-828-9001.

Host Families

Foreign high school students are scheduled to arrive soon for academic semester and year home-stay programs, and the sponsoring organization needs a few more local host families. If you are interested call 1-866-546-1402.

Seniors and Disabled Struggling with Debt

The DCSD legal service is designed to help seniors and disabled people who cannot afford to hire an attorney to file for bankruptcy, but need legal representation to get collectors to stop harassing them, Call 1-800-992-3275 Ext. 1304 with any questions.

Medical Help for Children

Utah families with children in need of medical services or medical equipment needs not fully covered by health insurance can apply to the United HealthCare Children’s Foundation for up to $5,000 in medical assistance grants online at www.uhccf.org

Bible Study

Bible studies are being conducted by the Seventh-day Adventists of Emery County on Saturdays from 9:30 a.m.-noon at the home of Robert and Elsie Law, 1065 East 300 North (Bench Road), Ferron. Everyone is welcome to come. For more information, call 384-2424 or 384-2447.

NW Services

NW Services is seeking caring families to host high school students. Call 1-866-846-3977.

Host Families Wanted

Pacific Intercultural exchange is currently looking for host families in the local area to host a foreign exchange student from ages 15-18. For more information call 877-987-3990.

Local Veterans Employment Representative

A local veterans employment representative visits the Castle Dale DWS Office the first Wednesday of each month. Appointments can also be arranged on other days by contacting Steve Wilkinson at (435) 636-2343. The LVER is also available Monday through Friday at Department of Workforce Services, 475 West Price River Drive, for questions about VA benefits, assistance with VA applications, employment assistance and other veterans issues. If you have questions about your benefits or eligibility for benefits, contact Steve Wilkinson at 636-2343.

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