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Landon Huntsman, Lindsay Huntsman


"Landon Huntsman, Lindsay Huntsman"

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Landon Huntsman, the 19 year old son of Laren and Lanell Huntsman and graduate of Emery High in 2008, has been called to serve in the Peru Arequipa Mission. He will enter the Provo Missionary Training Center on Oct. 21, where he will stay for approximately three weeks, then fly to the MTC in Lima, Peru (where his sister, Lindsay Huntsman-Emery High graduate, 2004, is currently serving, also as a missionary), then on to the Arequipa mission. His final Sacrament meeting talk, before his mission, will be held in the Orangeville church, at 1 p.m. on Oct 18. All are welcome.
Landon is the grandson of Karen and the late Dan Huntsman, of Castle Dale, as well as the grandson of Denise and Ray Evans, of Cypress, Calif., and is also the grandson of Tom and Susan Martin of Camarillo, Calif.

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