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Cleveland Town gets excited about new fire station


"Cleveland Town council members and mayor, Bryan Christensen, Chris Parkins and Verla Jensen were recently re-elected and Bryan Christensen just recently became a councilmember."

By COREY BLUEMEL Staff writer

With completion of the new fire station/city hall building in Cleveland, at the recent city council meeting, discussion began for setting a date for the open house. The city council members decided to host the open house sometime in April. A date will be set when the building is completed.
Plans were made to host the open house on a week day to allow school children to tour the new facility. The city will also serve food and refreshments.
Mayor Chris Parkins read a letter from the Castle Valley Special Service District concerning increases in rates and connection fees for water and sewer hookups in town and outside of the city limits. According to the letter, the increases were instituted in January. The letter informed the town of the increases and what needs to be done to increase the amounts the town is charging the water users. Each city will be billed by CVSSD according to the new, increased rates. The towns will be responsible to pay the difference if they do not raise the rates to the individual water users.
The mayor and council members voiced many questions about this situation. This item was tabled until a meeting could be set up with Jacob Sharp and have their questions answered before acting on this agenda item.
Two business licenses were approved during the meeting. The first was for Tate Jensen. He is opening a construction business from his home. TN Jensen Construction will work inside and outside of Cleveland, with the office for the business in the home.
Richard VanWagoner, who is an electrical contractor, is also opening a business and requested a business license. His home based business license was approved.
Mayor Parkins informed the council of the difficult situation with fuel for the city’s equipment. “There are times when the city’s employee cannot get fuel for the machinery. This employee has requested permission to purchase a tank and pump to be installed in the back of the city truck. From this tank, he will have the capacity to fuel the backhoe, lawn mower, and any other city equipment as needed,” said Parkins. The council approved to purchase a 50 or 85 gallon tank with pump for the city truck. The city employee will make the determination of size depending of the amount of room in the bed of the truck.
A renters resolution was discussed. This new proposed resolution addresses the responsibility of payment for water charges in a rental unit. This proposal would raise the deposit amount from $50 to $175, and would make the landlord responsible to inform the renters of the requirement from the city. The council agreed to let the city’s attorney read the resolution and give his input, and this resolution will be decided on at the March meeting.
Misti Merrell, Lethi Guymon and Hailey Robb were sworn into the office of co-mayor for Cleveland Youth City Council. Town clerk Jamie Jensen, administered the oath of office to these ladies.
Cleveland’s next city council meeting will be held March 11 at 7 p.m. in city hall.

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