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Huntington City

By GARY ARRINGTON Sports writer

At the February regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Huntington City held a public hearing on water connections located outside of city limits. The city acknowledged that their water fees are probably the lowest in the state of Utah and that the fee charged to outside users is also lower than most other places. The Castle Valley Special Service District is looking at increasing the fees throughout the county to all entities located outside of city limits.
Vernell Rowley spoke in opposition to allowing hookups outside city limits. Sharon Pulli questioned the amount of increase that those outside city limits would be charged. An across-the-board increase throughout the county didn’t seem fair when city rates across the county are not the same.
The CVSSD wants to allow outside city limit connections but with higher fees this year. Some commented after the meeting that this action by the CVSSD is a direct result of the county passing the 2-acre rule for new homes. The city council will continue the discussion next month.
In other business, the city approved the contract between the city and Emery County Sanitation. They also approved a business license for M.R.Automotive. They also approved donations to the Emery Rodeo team, DUP and Huntington Elementary PTA.
The city council also approved the purchase of three new computers from Office Etc. in Price. They were the lowest of three bids. The council also approved the purchase of a new operating system provided by Pelorus.
Councilman Jerry Livingston reported that the mountains of snow that have accumulated around the city throughout the winter are being removed by city workers to assist with the spring runoff. The workers are making sure that the storm drains are exposed to allow water to run into them.
Councilman Jeff Cowley reported that another ramp for the skate park has been purchased and that outside exercise equipment has arrived and will be installed in the Lions Park when weather permits.
Councilman Travis Larsen reported that he was at the last fire department meeting and that the conditions of the meeting room are not the best and that some of the seats being used are out of old trucks. He would like to improve their conditions.

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