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Honk on stage at EHS


"Ida, the duckling's mom, Rosanne Dawes instructs her children, ducklings Aniston Curtis and Corben Bloomer. "

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The Emery County Community Theatre presented Honk recently on the Emery High stage. Honk is the untold musical story of the ugly duckling. It is a darling show that follows Ugly, played by Colton Leavitt, the supposed duck on his journey to become a beautiful swan. Ugly avoids being eaten by the cat played by Tyrell Clement.
Ida, Ugly’s mother, is played by Rosanne Dawes who goes on a search to find her son, while leaving Drake played by Brian Dawes at home to take care of the other ducklings. “This show presented a wonderful message for everyone. We had such an incredible and talented cast,” said organizers.
The show which ran for three evenings also had a matinee on Saturday afternoon. The show was colorful, whimsical and funny as it followed the lost duckling on his way home. Clement the cat was always looking for opportunities to trick Honk into being his dinner. Honk was delightfully played by Leavitt as he searched for the path home to his loving family of ducklings. Dawes was the ever protective mother who made the journey to bring Honk back to the barnyard. Drake, as a typical duck dad, has a little trouble at the roost while his wife is away on her search for Honk.
Honk has many colorful characters along the way who try to help him get back home.
The Emery County Community Theatre produces a play once each year and participates in the Emery County fair with a play or musical entertainment. They produced Beauty and the Beast last summer at the Castle Valley Pageant site.

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