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Ferron Council discusses stock show


"The stock barn at the Ferron Stockshow grounds had a roof collapse"

By COREY BLUEMEL Staff writer

During the recent Ferron City Council meeting, the livestock show barn was discussed. Heavy snow during the winter months caved in the barn. Councilman Joe Trenery informed the council, the old barn has been cleaned up and hauled off. “We have sorted through and stored all the usable material from the old barn. Royce Stilson and I shot the grade for the new building, and we hope to have the foundation plans soon so construction can begin. The junior livestock show begins July 8 this year, so we need to get moving,” said Trenery.
Trenery also noted the sheep barn is in need of several electrical changes, and the pig barn needs some water changes.
Mayor JoAnn Behling informed the council she has signed a change order for the curb, gutter and sidewalk work currently underway. “The construction company had to lower the pipe enough to go into the drain. This change will add approximately $3,000 to the cost of this project.
Behling also announced a letter has been received from a concerned resident. This resident has witnessed another resident pouring used motor oil on the ground. “Those who view these types of things should report them immediately. There are reports that need to be filled out and actions to be taken,” said Behling.
Mike Behling reported the snowpack stands at 77 percent. “There are several more storms in the forecast so maybe that number will improve,” he said.
Mayor Behling read a letter from the Emery County Recreation District. In the letter, the district explains a project they have undertaken. That project will be to publish an activity guide that will list all the special celebrations and other activities that will take place in Emery County. They are requesting a $100 donation from the city to help with publishing costs of this guide.
“In the past, Ferron, along with the other cities in the county, have been on a 9-10 year cycle for road projects done by the Castle Valley Special Service District,” said Mayor Behling. “They have proposed a change to this practice which will save the cities from a large outlay of money on their cycle year for roadwork. They are considering changing this so each city will put in 9-10 percent of the funds every year. This will eliminate the need to come up with a large amount every nine-10 years.”
The Ferron City Council members each agreed that this would be to Ferron’s advantage. Mayor Behling advised she would take their comments to the next CVSSD meeting.
Ferron City will not hold a council meeting on April 8 due to a conference in St. George. Their regular meeting on April 22 at 7 p.m. will be the next meeting of the council.
The Ferron City mayor and council members are working on becoming NIMS compliant which is required by law. Sgt. Tom Harrison and Camille Huntsman came to Ferron to help the council in this process.

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