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Go for the gold


"Lance Riches, bottom right, and other team members prepare for the National Special Olympics.The other team members are Hayley Declstra - Aggies Team; Tina Scaddlen - Lehi Team; Amber Bailey - Tooele County Giants; and Lance Riches is from Green River Rapids team."


Lance Riches is a Special Olympian on the Green River Rapids Special Olympic Team. He has been selected to represent Team Utah in the 2010 National Special Olympics at Lincoln, Neb. in July. He will compete in Aquatics with three other Special Olympians.
The other team members are Hayley Declstra – Aggies Team; Tina Scaddlen – Lehi Team; Amber Bailey – Tooele County Giants; and Lance Riches – Green River Rapids.
An account has been set up at Eastern Utah Credit Union in Lance’s name for anyone wishing to help with getting him there. Lance has participated in the Special Olympics for several years. His team travels to Moab to practice in their pool as Green River doesn’t have a pool. Lance has won several medals in swimming. It is an honor for him to be asked to attend the National Special Olympics.
Lance said, “Hi, my name is Lance Riches, I’m 32 years old and I live in Green River. I have a condition that is called Down’s Syndrome. I have participated in Special Olympics since I was 8 years old. I have been in the swimming program for four years. I have been chosen to represent Team Utah for the 2010 National Special Olympic Games in July for one week in Lincoln, Neb. I will be competing in aquatics. I am very excited about this. I would really like the opportunity to represent, Utah, my friends, and my family. If you would like to help me get to Nebraska, an account has been established at Eastern Utah Community Credit Union in my name. Thank you for giving me the chance to experience this once in a lifetime event.”
Clark and Carol Riches from Green River are Lance’s proud parents.
Green River residents say, “Lance is a great kid, he loves everyone, he is kind and friendly and he always says hi. Lance loves to go the the high school basketball games and cheer for the Pirates. He is very supportive.”

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