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Just stuff by Gary Arrington

By GARY ARRINGTON Sports writer

It was to be a lazy Saturday, maybe do a little housework, maybe watch a little television, maybe have a little nap and definitely sleep in. At least that is what my wife thought it was going to be as we went nighty night the night before.
First thing Saturday morning that changed this well thought out plan of action was the fact that she woke up early and it was not my fault. No alarm clocks, no phone calls and even the blinds closed tight did not prevent her from waking up at least two hours earlier than she really wanted to or I would have suspected to have happened. As I lay there quietly not disturbing the peace and quiet, just in case she was going back to sleep, I figured out it wasn’t working for her and said “Now what are we going to do?” She ignored me.
When she finally decided that sleeping in was officially off the list for this Saturday morning, I suggested that we had several options. After careful consideration we decided to go to JoJo’s basketball game at the high school. Now really, why would anybody schedule a junior jazz game at eight o’clock on a Saturday morning? Don’t they know that getting up and going out this early in the dead of winter on a Saturday morning is un-American or something like that.
Well, we sat through that game, played with grandkids and then, since it was Audie’s turn to play at 9 a.m., we decided to sit through another one. At least it was the next game at the same school and we didn’t have to travel or anything. It is amazing how many other grandparents also got out of bed early that morning to watch their grandkids play.
Well, now we had the rest of the day to do whatever, right? Wrong. Now we were off to a gymnastics meet at Huntington Elementary. Not only did we get up earlier that suspected the night before but now we were going to lose the whole morning as we supported grandkids and their activities. This is OK because it was grandkids and then we would have the rest of the day to do whatever like nap or watch TV or nothing at all. Wrong again.
Baby-sitting was next for us. Jackie could rest while I played with Dalton. But one thing led to another and I had to leave for what I thought would be just a few minutes. Two hours later I returned to salvage what was supposedly left of this once promising Saturday. We would return Dalton to his mother and then the rest of the afternoon was ours. Nope.
Jackie, not me, then suggested that we go to the CEU basketball games and so off we went. The games were good and CEU won and it is now 7 p.m. at night. The day was almost gone but there still was time for a movie or a nap before bedtime, or so I suggested. Nope wasn’t going to happen. After a quick bite, it was off to Wal-Mart just to pick up some pictures. Right. You want me to believe that we are going to go to Wal-Mart just to pick up pictures at the photo department and leave. Not going to happen, and sure enough it didn’t.
As long as we were there, we needed ink for the printer but which one did we need. I was lucky, I knew what printer it was and we found the right cartridge. But that brings up a question, why are there so many different ink cartridges? I thought these computer guys were smart, why can’t they make the same cartridge work in every printer? But I deviate.
We then worked our way through the grocery department and eventually out of the store and to our home. It was now 9:30 p.m., the day was gone and nothing had really been accomplished that was on our list from the night before but that was OK. It had been a good day and really I would not change a thing.

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