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Emery Town needs funding for water project


Emery Town council met in their April meeting. Mayor Mistie Christiansen said Emery needs to come up with $250,000 for the water project to pipe the canal. Sen. Bob Bennett’s office has secured $5 million for the project and the Muddy Creek Irrigation company is donating along with Consol Mine. The mayor is petitioning the Community Impact Board for help with the water project in the amount of $1.7 million in a grant/loan package. She is asking for a full grant, but it’s doubtful that would be granted.
The mayor said the $5 million from appropriations from Sen. Bennett’s office needs to be obligated by October, or the town will lose that funding source. “It’s hard to pass up that much money just because we can’t fund $200,000,” voiced Mayor Christiansen. The mayor will appear before the CIB on May 6 to discuss the funding for Emery.
Concerned citizens wondered how it is determined how the curb and gutter is placed around town. The town has a general plan and there needs to be at least two houses along the street. A survey is done in the fall to determine which streets are completed the following spring. The lower part of town experiences flooding after every rainstorm. Patrick Sundstrom, said originally the plan was to start out at Center Street and fan out from there, but sometimes they have been sidetracked as some of the streets didn’t have anyone living there. It was mentioned even though no one lives along those streets for drainage purposes they need to be done too at some point.
Residents complained they have water coming down into their places and the drain is two feet higher than their property. If there are problems with the drains, residents can call the Castle Valley Special Service District.
Sundstrom said the projects are planned in September and October and Ken Christiansen mapped out all the city streets and marked those with curb and gutter and those without. At the rate of two streets per year it will take 90 years to complete the town. The council will look at the drain and work on getting a headgate.
Dave Mangum reported the CERT team is holding monthly meetings. Amy reported they are working on the welcome signs into town and hopes by the end of next month they will be ready. She is also working on the baskets and flowers for Main Street beautification. She will need help with planting when it’s warm enough to plant. A cement pad will need to be poured for the new signs. Amy will prepare a list of materials needed to give the council. They will work to see what can be donated and then purchase the rest.
The historical committee is working on the historical park. They are collecting old buildings to be moved to the historical park.
The fire department auxiliary raised $800 for equipment with their chili dinner. They are planning another fundraiser soon maybe in conjunction with beautification projects in town.
Bob Baker reported for recreation they are planning two dances one after the rodeo on July 23 from 8:30-11:30 p.m. and the other on July 24 from 8-11 p.m. Other activities planned for the 24th celebration include the Emery unpageant, softball games, rodeo, dance, parade, dinner and fireworks. An ATV ride is being planned. Glenys Sitterud is over the ATV ride, parade-Lisa; pageant-Tina; horseshoe tourney-Phil. It was mentioned the awning the recreation district gave to the town can be used for the horseshoe tourney.
Nash Roberts, fire chief reported the spring burning is going well. They are down to seven-eight minutes to fill a water truck now. The council decided to sell an extra white truck the town has and put the money towards the firework display for the 24th celebration. The council approved the post office lease agreement. The mayor has been revising the job descriptions for town employees and those were approved.
The council debated on whether or not they should accept the increase in water and sewer rates approved by the CVSSD. The district maintains water lines within the district boundaries. They also maintain lines to the Millsite Golf Course and state park. The council voted to keep the same administrative fees and pass the rate charges approved by the CVSSD.
The mayor said she spoke to SUFCO mine about donating to the Emery water project but they didn’t want to discuss it, but did agree to donate $500 to the Emery Town 24th of July celebration.
They mayor reported on the lands council and work they are doing for the Emery County Land Use Bill. Currently SITLA is looking at lands in Emery County they would like to trade out. They are preparing a map. They would like to trade out any land that might become wilderness for more productive lands preferably land with oil and gas exploration options.
Smiley Sundstrom said he didn’t think land should become wilderness that’s needed for coal, minerals, uranium and other uses.
The week of May 1 will be town cleanup week. Cash prizes will be given to those cleaning up the most trash.
Corrine Dalton, council member presented the annexation proposal for Emery. There are several residents who have asked to be annexed into the town. The council must adopt a resolution and hold a public hearing. If someone protests, they can be removed from the petition. You can protest in writing or by attending the public hearing. Annexation is to be done in an orderly manner in towns to avoid islands or peninsulas of land.
Sundstrom said, “People who want to be annexed in should be allowed to annex.”
Concerning building inspection, the mayor has been in contact with Sunrise Engineering and they sent a sample contract for review. The council is considering terminating their contract with the county for building inspections. There was also talk of requiring the citizens to hire their own building inspector.
The town has a little money left from the fire station building grant and will use it to finish decorating and add a sign outside. The next Emery Town council meeting will be on May 11.

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