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My view on illegal immigration

By Lou Sansevero Ferron

Hooray for Governor Jan Brewer and the people of Arizona for passing the toughest illegal immigration bill in the nation and boo to Pres. Obama for his characterizing this brave stance as irresponsible and un-American in his statement…that includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona, which threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe. No, Pres. Obama you and Congress are the ones that are irresponsible…you’re too busy circumventing Article 1 section 8 and the 10th amendment, regulating everything from how much salt we use on our French fries to how much water we use when we flush a toilet to which cars we drive and enriching yourselves and your buddies from the national treasury as you turn our government from a free republic to a despotic kleptocracy to fulfill the most basic functions of government; the protection of our borders, our people, and our sovereignty and it is you that …undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe.
But you don’t understand this is racial profiling, okay it is…so what? Law enforcement uses profiling (and yes racial profiling) every day. If they didn’t we’d never apprehend any criminals. If three 6 foot white men with red hair wearing yellow shirts rob a bank does law enforcement start looking for three dark haired Chinese midgets wearing red shirts? No, they start looking for individuals who fit the description (profile, racial profile) of the perpetrators. In the case of criminal aliens there are millions of dark haired Hispanics who have no, or limited, English facility and who, typically, look for low paying day jobs or hang around day job pick-up points; they are not red headed Irishmen with brogues (by the way it wasn’t red headed Irishmen with names like Paddy O’brien that blew up the Twin Towers, killed 3,000 innocent people, and is threatening America…no, it’s dark haired Muslims that are the enemy so it only makes sense to start with individuals who fit the description (profile, yes even racial profile) when attempting to identify, apprehend, and prosecute these criminals.
These are just poor people coming here to seek work, and if we arrest and deport them all our economy would collapse, besides this law violates their civil rights. The reasons illegals are here have no more relevance than do the reasons any other criminal commits his/her crime…they are violating U.S. law. “Our economy would collapse” is a liberal myth that ranks right up there with “Illegals do jobs Americans don’t want to” and there is no empirical evidence that supports such statements, until every American citizen has been interviewed and offered the jobs and have turned down those jobs being done by these criminal aliens you cannot support the statement that “they do the work Americans don’t want to do.” And as far as I’m concerned, since the constitution starts with We the people of the United States and not We the people of the United States and anyone illegally here these criminal aliens do not have any Constitutional rights.
You don’t mean that, that’s racist! No, it’s not racism and no I’m not a racist. During the 1960s I was one of those people who stood up for equal and civil rights when it wasn’t popular nor safe to do so. I’ve seen firsthand what racism is; expecting that our national (and state) borders, our laws, and our national interests be respected in the face of political correctness and political ambition is not racism it is a reasonable expectation.
That’s just an excuse for your xenophobia! You obviously don’t know the meaning of xenophobia. First of all xenophobia is an unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange; the key word being unreasonable. It is ultimately reasonable to fear the negative social and economic consequences of criminal immigration and the loss of control over our national and state borders we are experiencing. Moreover, resorting to accusations of xenophobia, sexism, racism, etc. are common ploys of liberals who have no factual evidences for their beliefs, who can’t think of any more lies and half truths to use, whose attempt to over-talk or shout down an opponent have failed, and is losing a debate, such phrases are designed to frighten/embarrass an opponent into silence and they don’t work if one is not a xenophobe, sexist, nor racist and has the intelligence to recognize those epithets for what they are and simply deny them.
But all of the American southwest including California, Colorado, Montana, and Utah originally belonged to Mexico and the United States “stole” it all from Mexico in the illegal land grab we call the Mexican War, they have more right to be here than Anglos do. That just plain ignores history. Historically almost all sovereignty over territory has been based on conquest and by one people defeating another…as to these lands, the U.S. gained sovereignty over them by conquering the territory and defeating the Mexican Army/government…the Mexican (government) gained sovereignty over the territory of Mexico (including the American Southwest, California, Colorado, Montana, and Utah) by defeating the French, the French gained sovereignty over Mexico by defeating (I believe) the Spanish, the Spanish gained sovereignty over Mexico by defeating (primarily) the Aztecs, and if memory serves me, the Aztecs gained sovereignty over Mexico by defeating the Olmecs (amongst other indigenous peoples)…do I need go on to each country throughout the world? For the most part, in my humble opinion and as supported by all human history, most wars are basically “land grabs”.
America was built by immigrants. For once something we can agree on. My ancestors, like the millions of other legal immigrants that built this nation, came here legally and they were forbidden by law (Title 8 of the U.S. Code) from being on the public dole, they learned English, they were net contributors to their new county not net detractors, in short they complied fully with Title 8. The people you are talking about deserve no more compassion than does the burglar in the night or the armed robber on the street; their children have no more claim to citizenship than do the children of the bank robber have a claim to the money that the robber steals from the bank. Let me make this point clear…I welcome all legal immigrants; their cultures, their hard work, their innovations, their respect of our laws, and their contributions are what made this nation great but those that are here illegally are just plan criminals and should not be afforded the rights of citizens or those extended to those individuals here legally but are deserving only of the punishment afforded to any other common criminal.
By the way I am an American of Italian immigrant decent and one who is unashamedly proud of his heritage as both an American and a descendant of legal Italian immigrants.
The basic facts that bleeding heart liberals can’t seem to understand is that (1) every nation has the right to be secure within and exercise control over its borders (2) what undocumented immigrants are doing by being here without compliance to Title 8 is a criminal act making these people criminals (3) most of these criminal aliens commit more criminal acts (identification theft being most predominate) (4) criminal aliens are, contrary to liberal propaganda, a net drain on the U.S. economy; they use disproportionally more public services, they overwhelm and overburden our emergency medical facilities unnecessarily, and rely more on entitlement programs than do the general population…need I go on?”.
Back during the Great Depression, President Herbert Hoover ordered the deportation of all illegal aliens in order to make jobs available to American citizens that desperately needed work.
President Harry Truman deported more than 2 million illegal’s after WWII to create jobs for returning veterans.
Then again in 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower deported 13 million Mexican Nationals. The program was called ‘Operation Wetback’ (look it up on the internet). It was done so WWII and Korean Veterans would have a better chance at jobs. It took two years, but they deported them.
The Reagan Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 gave amnesty to 2.6 million criminal aliens and today we have 12 million more criminals that are protesting in our cities under Mexican flags demanding amnesty and the national government is on the verge of giving it to them. Governor Herbert, Senator Bennett, Senator Hatch, and Rep. Matheson when will Utah take a stand on criminal immigration?

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