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Miss Emery at Miss Utah competition


"Little Miss Cambrie Bennett escorts Miss Emery Shelby Huntington during the evening wear competition."


Miss Emery Shelby Huntington and her Little Miss Cambrie Bennett recently competed in the Miss Utah competition held at the Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake. The 54 contestants spent the week in rehearsal, competition, service and television appearances. Saturday evening after everything was complete a new Miss Utah was crowned, Miss Utah County Christine Lowe will represent Utah for 2010 and also at the Miss America pageant. She was the Wednesday night preliminary winner for talent for her vocal performance of Believe.
Huntington said, “My experience at Miss Utah was definitely one that I will always remember. I got to participate in many different activities as well as meet so many amazing young women. We kicked off the week with the Show Me Your Shoes Bash which is a Miss Utah tradition and this was the beginning of a great week. This is a place where everyone can relax and have fun and it was fun to get to know the girls and where they come from by what they created with a pair of shoes. It is very interesting to watch this because a lot of personality comes out. I had a blast here and this is where I met most of the girls that I stayed close with for the rest of the week. It is just an easy going parade of shoes and then fun filled night of dancing and playing around. We did many other things throughout the week that I enjoyed a lot too.
“My next favorite thing was probably the Challenge Day Activity we had on Tuesday night. Miss Utah 2009, Whitney Merrifield, introduced us to her platform and gave us a little piece of what she would take into schools on a regular Challenge Day. It was a lot of fun but also became very powerful and emotional for all of the girls. We shared things about ourselves that were silly, fun, and personal. A wide spectrum of information was opened up that night and every single one of us was closer because of it. The whole week was very fun and busy going to rehearsals and events but all in all I had a blast. I hope to keep in touch with the friends I made there and wish them all luck in their future endeavors. They are all amazing girls and it is definitely an experience that I will cherish the rest of my life,” said Huntington.
Huntington’s talent was a dance to the song, Last Dance.
Kristine Johansen was also a contestant in Miss Utah. She is formerly of Castle Dale and now resides in Provo where she has reigned as Miss Provo for the past year.
Cambrie Bennett, Little Miss Emery, accompanied Miss Emery to the Miss Utah competition. The Little Misses danced each night in their production number and escorted their contestant on her evening wear night.

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