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Tuttle family to place historic marker


"Dennis Tuttle holds the historic marker to be placed at Mexican Bend."


The Tuttle family will be placing a historic marker near the site on Mexican Mountain where Sheriff Azariah Tuttle Jr. was wounded in a gun battle with outlaws in March of 1897. He was trailing Joe Walker in this area and two others all members of the Wild Bunch. He was shot in the hip by Joe Walker. He was left at the site for two days while his party went for help. He was transported into Castle Dale for medical help.
Dennis Tuttle said, “Anyone interested in seeing this marker placed is welcome to accompany us. We are meeting on Nov. 6 at 9 a.m. at the Museum of the San Rafael and will car pool to Mexican Mountain. The road is closed and round trip it will be a five to six mile hike, in and then back out, to the spot we are placing the plaque. The plaque will be placed on state trustlands near the place where the shooting occurred. Bring water and a lunch. We have obtained permission from the state trust lands to have the plaque mounted on a big boulder on their land. Azariah was my great-grandfather. The family is really excited to see this marker placed in a spot where others will see it. Mainly hikers and people on horses go through these parts. We invite anyone interested to participate with us, just remember there is a hike involved along the road that’s been closed. This is a historic time in our family preserving the history of Sheriff Tuttle.”

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