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New sheriff needs our support

By Barbara Moore Ferron

You should be ashamed of yourself. The article you wrote concerning the vote for Sheriff’s office positions was a slap in the face to the people of Emery County that exercised their right to vote and their freedom to choose who they want in that position. And it was a great big slap in the face to Greg Funk. What a way for Greg to have to start his career in that position.
Sheriff Guymon has provided a great service to the county and he has been a great comfort and help to various people and I’m sure he’s done wonderful things for people that no one knows about except for the recipient. But he’s not the only one that does nice and great things for people in this county. I’m sure he was not the only one providing comfort, integrity and strength to the families of the Crandall Canyon Mine, the Sharp family and the mom whose children were washed away in the flood. He didn’t do all those things alone.
The other devoted employees with the Sheriff’s Office that have stated “If LaMar goes, they will go along with him.” I say let them go. They are here to serve the communities and the people in Emery County not just LaMar Guymon. The officers who have “worked their way up from the bottom to where they are today” have the right to run for the office of Sheriff any time they would like to. Maybe you’d better look into why they have chosen not to run for Sheriff.
When you are voted into a political office there are no guarantees of always having a job, that’s the chance you take every time you’re up for re-election. And that’s a chance LaMar has taken for quite a few years and the people of Emery County have spoken and no one should try to make them feel guilty for their decision.
I’m sure when LaMar started he had to learn all the things that went along with his position and Greg I’m sure will have to do the same. You wrote as if things were going to go clear to heck just because someone new is going to be in that position. Give him the chance to learn, grow, show strength, integrity, and comfort to the residents of Emery County. Don’t throw him under the bus before he even has a chance to start. Anyone in that position deserves support and respect from the people in this community. I think Greg Funk is going to do a great job if he is given the chance to do his job. But just as LaMar appreciated his officers and the community being loyal to him and supporting him I’m sure his replacement would appreciate the same thing.
I think you owe Greg Funk a public apology. Can Greg count on the local paper for support as the local paper has supported LaMar?

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