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Ferron City talks about dog vaccinations

By COREY BLUEMEL Staff writer

At the recent Ferron City Council meeting, Dr. Glen Jensen of Emery Animal Health requested permission from the council to have Ferron’s dog licenses on hand at the animal clinic. He explained his plans to hold two clinics at the animal health center, one on Dec. 18 from 8 a.m.-noon, and the second on Dec. 28 from 2-6 p.m. These clinics will be in addition to the regular clinics held by each city.
Dr. Jensen said that at least two professional associations for veterinarians have issued guidelines under which vaccinations to animals must be given. “To ethically give vaccinations to dogs, we must first do a physical examination of the animal. The task force, which was formed to study this issue, has recommended we treat each animal as an individual according to its activities, history, and lifestyle. The regular clinics held in each city, generally at the fire stations, put limitations on the time spent with each dog,” said Dr. Jensen.
“With so many dogs in a relatively small space, many problems may arise. I propose to do these clinics at my animal health facility to try to eliminate those problems. With the public making appointments on these two days, we can see a great number of dogs, give physicals, vaccinations, and issue licenses for the city in which they live,” said Dr. Jensen.
Dr. Jensen stated that for a $35 fee, an animal will be given an exam and rabies vaccination. Licenses will be issued at the site. Following the clinics held at Emery Animal Health, each city which participates, will be given a complete list of animals licensed, vaccination information, and 100 percent of the owner information.
Councilman Garrett Hansen voiced his concern over tracking the numbers on the licenses. Following a discussion of the tracking process by the city, the council agreed to let Emery Animal Health be responsible for 25 licenses to be issued to dog owners from Ferron who attend the clinics. It was also agreed upon that the regular rabies and licensing clinics normally held in Ferron by other veterinarians will also be held at the regular times after the first of the year.
In other business conducted by Ferron City Council, it was decided to adopt ordinance 2010-8 naming Ferron City a Tree City USA. This ordinance is a part of the certification process. Once the Tree City USA designation is in place, the city will be eligible for a $1,500 grant for trees to be planted in Ferron.
Councilman Trent Jackson announced the camera to be installed at the fairgrounds was installed before Dec. 1. The images from the camera can be accessed by computers in city hall.
The council tabled a request from two residents for consideration by the board of equalization for water bills. The water leaks have been repaired and the residents are eligible for consideration. The residents will be notified they must be present at the next meeting before the request can be acted upon.
Councilman Joe Trenery stated the city equipment is ready for winter with the plows having been installed recently. He also reminded all city residents to remove their personal property from the streets before the snow comes.
Councilman Mike Behling said garbage pickup in the city is changed from Friday to Thursday. This began Dec. 2.
The council approved two business license applications. The first is for a dog grooming business to be opened in the old Laundromat building. Second is a hair salon which will be opened in the Dugmore building.
Councilman Jackson announced plans for the Ferron City Christmas party to be held on Dec. 6 at Ferron Elementary.

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