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Learn to sew
Jody Porter will be holding Sewing Days on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. March 22 is the next one. Free of charge. You can learn to sew, or work on any project you desire. Bring materials and sewing machine. For questions call 749-9478. Beginners are welcome. Come and learn self-reliance skills. Class runs from 9 a.m.-8 p.m. anytime between those hours. Class at the Orangeville community center. Covering zippers.
Kimmy Roberts
Benefit Raffle and Auction
We want to help and hope you do too. Kimmy is the 11 year old daughter of Nash and Alisha Roberts of Emery. She has been hospitalized at Children’s Hospital for several weeks fighting a very serious illness. The family does not have health insurance and needs our help. The event will be held on March 19 at 7 p.m. in the Emery Town Community Center, 76 North 100 West in Emery. There will be an auction (donations welcome), a raffle, live music by the Firehouse 5+one, navajo tacos, baked goods and much more.
Weed and Pesticide Workshop
A weed and pesticide workshop will be held on March 24 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m., in the Tamarisk Restaurant located at 1710 East Main Street in Green River. The workshop is sponsored and taught by the Green River Conservation District and USU Extension Service. Lunch will be provided. The workshop will focus on topics including: pesticide/herbicide safety; new EPA rules; fuel storage regulations
identifying and controlling animal parasites; pesticide license. Continuing education credits will be available for attendees. This workshop is for anyone interested in learning more about weeds and pests that affect our area, and how to control them. Experts from the USU Extension service and weed supervisors from Carbon and Emery counties will be available if you have any questions. Please take advantage of this opportunity and plan to attend; we look forward to seeing you in Green River. The cost for this workshop will be $15 per person. Those interested in attending please RSVP by March 21, to the Utah Association of Conservation Districts at (435) 381-2300 ext. 119 or 101.
Utah Center for Rural Health Health Career Exploration Camp
High school students interested in a future health care career are invited to participate in the annual Health Career Exploration Camp at Southern Utah University. The camp will take place June 20 – 22 and is open to all 10th – 12th grade high school students who have a minimum 3.0 grade point average (students who have finished their ninth grade year prior to camp are eligible to attend). The camp is designed to teach students about health care careers in a hands-on learning environment with health care professionals. Participants will participate in seven different workshops, as well as participate in the SUU-Rocky Mountain Power Challenge Course to learn leadership skills. Workshops are hands-on and teach students about careers such as: veterinary, dentistry, doctor, nurse, pharmacist, medical technologist, respiratory therapy and many more. Group activities, including keynote speakers and an outdoor dinner and dance are also included. Cost for the camp is $100, which includes housing during the camp at The Eccles Living and Learning Center, meals, workshop supplies and a camp T-shirt. Scholarships are available to reduce or waive the cost of camp for individuals who qualify based on household income. Transportation to and from Southern Utah University is up to the individual attendee. The Health Career Exploration Camp is sponsored by the Utah Center for Rural Health at Southern Utah University. For more information you can contact Carrie Torgersen at 435-638-7449 or torgersen@suu.edu. Application packets for the camp can be downloaded at www.suu.edu/ruralhealth. Space is limited and participants will be selected on a first-come, first-serve basis.
First Baptist Church Meetings
March 20-25, First Baptist Church in Ferron will be hosting a series of special meetings with Evangelist Mike Pelletier and his team. Meetings begin March 20 at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Then Monday-Friday at 7 p.m. nightly. Come hear how the Bible has the answers to life’s questions. For more information call Pastor Tim Lacock 384-3321.
Cancer fundraiser
Huntington will host a fundraiser on April 16 at 5 p.m. at the Canyon View Junior High. There will be a BBQ pork dinner and an auction. There are at least 13 members of the Huntington/Lawrence area at this time fighting cancer. Proceeds raised will go to help with medical expenses. That morning there will be a yard sale. Items are needed for the yard sale and auction. Please support this fundraiser. There are future plans for a fun run, golf tournament and bake sale during the summer to continue fundraising. Call Julie Jones 749-0674 and RuthAnn Ekker 749-1233 with questions.
Republican Convention
The public is invited to attend The Emery County Republican Convention which will be held Thursday, March 17, at 6 p.m. The Convention will be held at the Huntington Elementary in Huntington. Check in time for the County Delegates will begin at 5 p.m. The delegates must be registered no later than 5:45 p.m. All delegates must have a photo ID.
The purpose of the Convention is to elect an Emery County Republican Executive Committee: Those officers to be elected are: Chair, Vice Chair, Delegate at Large or County Representative, Secretary and Treasurer. They are elected for a period of two years. Anyone wishing to apply for office can contact Bill Dellos at 748-2488 or 749-9989.
There will be special speakers at the Convention.
EHS Cheerleading Try-Outs!
When: March 14th & 15th
Where: EHS Old Gym
Time: 3:45 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Try-Outs will be closed!
Bring a copy of your current report card the first day of try-outs.
You must have a 2.0 GPA or higher.
Also, you cannot have any F’s or U’s.
If you have any questions call/text Kylie 650-4538 or Brittany 749-1547
E.C. Rec Dodgeball Tournament
Get your teams together and see who will be crowned Emery County Champions.
Saturday, March 26 beginning at 3 p.m.at the Emery County Recreation Building. Teams can be made up of school, family, or business. (parents must signup for minors) Different brackets for different age groups. $5 fee per person. Teams must have 6 (or more) persons. Register at Emery County Rec. before March 18. For more information contact the E.C. Rec. office at 381-2108.
Soccer Sign-ups
Emery County youth soccer sign ups will be March 7-20. Kindergarten – 12 grade. $25 per player plus the cost of a required reversible jersey. Each player will receive a Salt Lake REAL game ticket, additional discount tickets may be purchased.
Sign up on line at: http://www.emerycounty.com/rec
Or at the recreation center office. Hours 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., with lunch from 1- 1:30 p.m.

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