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Fire trucks visit Ghost Rocks for photo shoot


"Emery County boasts eight new fire trucks as they strut their stuff at Ghost Rocks."

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Eight fire trucks from Cleveland, Elmo, Huntington, Castle Dale, Orangeville, Ferron, Emery and Green River gathered at the Ghost Rock Overlook area on I-70 in Emery County where they became the cause of much excitement and attention.
Commissioner James Nelson and his wife were among the first to arrive at Ghost Rock followed by fire trucks from all over the county. He said, “It is very exciting to see all the new fire trucks in such a beautiful location; even the tourists passing through were stopping to take photographs. It’s a tribute to the fire district, the county commission and especially Commissioner Kofford that all the communities have a new fire truck, and the best part is that they are all paid for,” said Commissioner Nelson.
Both former Commissioner Gary Kofford and Commissioner Nelson were on hand to witness the arrival of the fire trucks at Ghost Rock. These trucks gathered to be photographed and some of the photographs will be used for the Emery County Fire District Calendar.
Another reason for this event was so the Utah Fire and Rescue Academy of Provo could get a photo for their monthly magazine called the UFRA Straight Tip. Chuck Querry representing UFRA said, “Emery County has one of the more active Chief’s organization in the state of Utah. They meet regularly, they discuss items of importance, they arrange for training and not all the organizations in the state do that. Querry said, “To the people of Emery County you are well protected by readily qualified individuals. You should be proud of your fire departments.”
Former Commissioner Gary Kofford said, “The Emery County fire chiefs were the ones that figured this all out.” (Meaning the purchas

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