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Late night fire destroys garage in Huntington


"Flames engulf the garage behind the Potter home in Huntington."

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A fire started in the garage of the Cody Potter home in Huntington at approximately 10:30 p.m. on Sunday Night.
Potter and his son, Kashe were working on a car in the garage when the car backfired causing sparks to ignite the loft area of the garage where it spread until the structure was entirely engulfed.
It was feared the fire would spread to the house before fire crews arrived. Potter sprayed the house and back deck with a three inch hose he keeps for watering the yard to keep it wet down so it wouldn’t ignite; his efforts saved the family home.
When fire crews arrived they were able to contain the flames from the garage, but not before the garage and its contents were a total loss. Also lost in the fire included the Jeep they were working on, a Ford they were restoring and a car parked in the driveway which they were unable to move soon enough. The garage also contained many tools, a welder and family storage items.

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