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LaMond and Nellie Smith


"LaMond and Nellie Smith"

By By

It’s a celebration. What? Sixty-Five? Yes, 65 years of marriage. Who? Nellie and LaMond Smith. Where? Senior Citizen Center, 170 North 300 West, Ferron. When? Sept. 24, from 3-5 p.m. Why? Because their children, the Randy and Jean Smith family, the Keith and Becky Sawaya family, and watching over from Heaven, their daughter Linda Smith, are proud, thrilled, amazed, happy, or any great adjective you would like to use, to be celebrating such a wonderful occasion. They are extending a welcome to all family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, or strangers to say hi, to stop by for a treat, a hug, and best wishes. It will be a first hand view of what’s right with the world.

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