Emery/Carbon Weed Tour
Sept. 28
A New Invader and Some Old Enemies
The Skyline Cooperative Weed Management Area Committee invites you to join them in Castle Dale on Sept. 28 to learn how to control Tamarisk and Russian olive trees and to see our newest invading weed, the Ox Eye Daisy. The tour will visit Joe’s Valley reservoir to see results of Tamarisk/Russian olive removal projects around the lake. Tour presenters will demonstrate simple control techniques for Tamarisk and Russian olive, and a discussion of the tamarisk beetle invasion will whet your appetite. They will also visit the site of an Ox Eye Daisy infestation and learn why it is a concern to our communities. Enjoy a lunch prepared by the Emery Water Conservancy District, and come away with a better appreciation of why weed control is needed to improve water quality and maintain range productivity.
Date: Sept. 28. Time: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Meeting place: Emery County Courthouse in Castle Dale (plan to car pool). RSVP: 435-381-2300, ext 101 by Sept. 26.
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