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Emery Care and Rehab parties with Jello


"Emery Care and Rehab parties with Jello"

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Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Jello from Emery County Care and Rehab. We want you to know we share the love with our residents. This perfect combination only happens here in Utah. Home of the ongoing love affair with Jello. That’s right, Jello. National Jello week ran from Feb. 5-11 and was celebrated at Emery County Care and Rehab all week long. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were ‘Bring your favorite Jello’ and Friday was the grand finale with a Jello face-off. The goal was to inspire the most original Jello dish, and who better to judge Jello than three of the nursing home residents: Sarah, Renee, and Vicky. The participants went from creative to colorful to questionable. Bear in mind, these are all healthcare professionals – some discretion may be required. There were five finalists: A Bleeding Heart with fresh fruit ‘bleeding’ through the whipped topping, two bedpan jellos that need no description, an emesis (vomit) basin – which also needs no description, a peachy-sardine, and Jello dogs. The first place winner was Jello dogs by Kamie Conover. Long Jello jigglers in split Twinkie buns. Colorful, creative, and tasty. Second place went to Jayne Richards for her Bedside Manner – a set of bedpan and emesis basin creatively called “The End” and “Veggie Jello repeat.” If you have time or ideas you’d like to share with our residents and staff, please feel free to call Kim Allred, Activities Director or Alec Stephenson, Administrator at 384-2301.

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