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County commission tackles issues


The commission approved a fee waiver for the use of the Aquatics Center for a graduation night party. The commissioners agreed it is a good thing for the students to have a party to keep them busy.
The commission approved the property tax exemption lists.
Shelly Wright from the Children’s Justice Center asked the commission if they could include the Children’s Justice Center for lawn care maintenance with the county properties. She said the Eagle Scouts will be putting in the lawn in the back, but they need someone to keep it mowed. Commissioner James Nelson thought those that do the lawn at the pool might be able to swing down there. The commission decided to table the item for now as there is no money budgeted to help with any extra lawn maintenance.
The commission approved the disposal of a county owned parcel of land which was traded for another parcel of land. The land trade will not affect any neighbors.
The commission approved a cell phone reimbursement for Teresa Manzanares from the county attorney’s office. She is the one on call on weekends and does the warrants.
The commission approved the contract with the state courts for the bailiff service. The state contract is for $13,500 and runs until June of 2013.
Bart Cox was appointed to the Emery County Housing Authority Board.
The commission approved the right of way for power transmission line and communication use lease for the communication site facility. This is a site by Moore. The right of way will be good until 2031.
Gale Anderson has received the contract for cleaning the Buckhorn Information Center restrooms. The previous person who received the contract declined the job.
The commission approved the adjustments to the capital improvement lists to the community impact board. One of the projects includes improvements to the Green River City sewer system.
Another bit of repair work was added to the work being done at the Aquatics Center. Portions will receive new grout for an added cost of $275 to repair work authorized previously.
The commissioners presented their reports. Commissioner Nelson reported the Emery County Foundation awarded three scholarships. He was very impressed by the student applications received this year. He complemented the Emery County Water Conservancy District on their clean audit. He attended a travel conference and was impressed by the number of opportunities available in travel and tourism. He feels like the county is missing out on the number of dollars available in tourism. The Scenic By-ways in our area can be a real drawing card to visitors. Also the establishment of a trail where you could ride all the way from Carbon to Emery County on 4-wheelers is being considered. Work is also being done to begin work on a trail which will go from Huntington North Reservoir into Huntington City. Commissioner Nelson said trails are the wave of the future and new trails are being created all the time. “I am glad trails are coming to Emery County,” said Commissioner Nelson.
Commissioner Laurie Pitchforth said she attended a CIB training on how to apply for grants and how to complete CIB applications. It was good training she said. The remodel at the Huntington Senior Citizen Center is underway. The seniors are having lunch at the American Legion building in Huntington for now until the remodel is complete. Commissioner Pitchforth reported that Alec Stephenson is leaving the Emery County Care and Rehab Center and he will be replaced by Larry Friess. “He is out of Provo and he is a nice man. He will bring a lot to the center. I hope the transition will go easy. I attended the aging meeting in Green River. I really love those citizens who are serving on the aging council. They do great things for our county,” said Commissioner Pitchforth.
The MECCA bike club held their spring festival in Green River. There were 100 riders. Steven Barton reported the Green River motels and restaurants offer a discount to the riders. “Everyone had a great time,” said Barton.
Commissioner Jeff Horrocks said he has been working with the weed and mosquito board on a grant for the removal of Russian olive trees. He said he and Commissioner Pitchforth spoke at the Emery County Business Chamber Lunch and Learn and told about the bidding process and how the county does business. He attended a meeting for the local government trust which was informative. The fire department will be using some state equipment that will be here for training purposes. One day was for the fire fighters on the north end of the county and those on the south end trained another day. One of the training items was the flash over trailer. Commissioner Horrocks reported the county now has the Title 5 on the Fullers Bottom road and will soon have the one for the gun range.
The county building will be installed with a new phone system.
Sheriff Greg Funk said the National Guard will be staying at Millsite State Park from June 8-12. They will be bringing 72 trucks and vehicles and four-five choppers for the exercises. One evening they will have a community night at the Ferron park for the public to come and look at the helicopters. The sheriff reported they hope to build a working relationship with the National Guard. Jeremy Tannahill who grew up in Ferron is instrumental in bringing the guard to the county.
The consent agenda for May 22 included: the hiring of Seth Baantjer, Kyle Hales and Erick Nielsen as temporary employees for the weed and mosquito department. Hiring of Hunter Huntington as a 90 day temporary for the IT Department. Hiring of Tanner Petersen, Melece Pulli, Tyler Pulli and Clee Richards as 90 day employees at the Aquatics Center. The approval of out of state travel for Ray Petersen from the public lands department. The approval of a business license for The Healers Art.

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