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Commission hears behavioral health report


Emery County Commissioners met in their June regular meeting. Jan Bodily from the Four Corners Behavioral Health presented their annual area plan. Four Corners provides outpatient services, crisis care, drug and alcohol treatment and rehabilitation, psychological/social services, case management, community support, consultation services and mental illness.
Bodily reported they haven’t had much change with their services. They are waiting for their funds from the state and they don’t anticipate a lot of change.
Commissioner James Nelson said he feels good about the annual report. Bodily said they are proud of keeping services the same in spite of cuts in the budgets.
Commissioner Nelson voted to approve the annual report. Bodily thanked the commissioners for their support.
Clerk/auditor Brenda Tuttle presented the independent audit report to the commission. She said they didn’t receive any management letter issues and the county received a clean audit report. The audit takes about two weeks to complete and was prepared by Kimball and Roberts.
The commission approved the right of way grant for the Wilberg Mine-Deseret Mine Coal Haul Road. It is a 30 year right of way over mostly SITLA land and some Bureau of Land Management land.
The county approved the tax rate for the year. Rates include for general operations, .003524; library-.000407; recreation-.000063; state assessing and collecting-.000168; local assessing and collecting-.000302. Projected revenues for tax year 2012 include; general operations $6,699,376. Library-$773,736; Recreation-$119,768; state assessing and collecting-$319,380; local assessing and collecting-$574,124 for a total tax revenue collection of $8,486,384.
The scrap metal bids for the recycling of metal at the Emery County Landfill were opened. Simms Metal Management out of Salt Lake City received the contract for $151.23 per ton.
The county approved a contract with the state of Utah and Emery County to establish a standard countywide process to create and maintain a master address list and assign a managing agency/office to create a standard data structure and provide web accessible updates on a regular cycle as defined as county addressing project.
Under the citizen concerns Trenton Bennett wondered about the situation with the building inspections for the county. Currently Sunrise Engineering does the building inspections and Bennett wondered when that was advertised and when that contract was awarded and for how long was the contract awarded.
Commissioner Jeff Horrocks said in the past they have had county building inspectors which are costly. The county has found that contracting with Sunrise Engineering saves the county money. Commissioner Horrocks said they haven’t received any complaints about them and the work they do. There isn’t currently any plan to bring back a county building inspector.
Bennett said he wondered when the building inspections contract is going to be advertised so someone else could bid to do the work. Bennett said he feels it’s better if the county has their own person to do the inspections. He is a contractor and has heard complaints.
Commissioner Horrocks said it can be put out to bid. Ray Petersen, public lands director asked how long is left on the current contract with Sunrise. Commissioner Horrocks said he didn’t know, but he would have County Attorney David Blackwell look at the contract to see when it expires and report back at the next commission meeting.
Commissioner Nelson said he was on the committee which hired a recovery specialist to help keep plants and animals from being listed on the endangered species list. He feels this is a good idea. Commissioner Nelson reported the national guard training in the county went well and he was taken up on a helicopter which was a great experience. The conservation districts are working to fight weeds in the county. Dining with the Dinosaurs was held at the museum.
Commissioner Horrocks cautioned everyone to be aware of the dry conditions in the county. Each city can decide for themselves whether or not to allow fireworks in their city. The county is adhering to the fire restrictions in place with the state and forest service and BLM.
Denise Allen was hired as a part-time assistant librarian for the Emery Library working 12 hours per week.

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