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Allison Barham and Abinidi “Ben” Gray


"Allison Barham and Abinidi "Ben" Gray"

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Ted and Kelly Luke of Orangeville and Scott and Sumi Barham of Japan are pleased to announce the marriage of their daughter Allison to Abinidi Gray, son of Casey and Alene Gray of Vernal. Their marriage will take place on Aug. 11 in the Manti LDS Temple.
A reception will be held in their honor on Aug. 11 from 7-9 p.m. in the Orangeville LDS church. An open house will also be held on Aug. 17 at 400 West 350 South in Vernal from 7-9 p.m.
Allison and Ben will make their home in West Jordan where they will continue their educational pursuits.

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