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Tall tales at ranch


"Evelyn Huntsman, Emery County Historical Society president reads a letter from a father to a son."

By PHIL FAUVER Staff Writer

Cowboy poets recite stories of the western lifestyle

The Emery County Historical Society held their annual Cowboy Poetry Night at the Castle Valley Outdoors Lodge Aug. 23. This was a night of demonstrating the talents of several local people. The night showcased the abilities of local talent from Emery County to play country western music, to recite cowboy poetry and sing country ballads.
Evelyn Huntsman the Emery County Historical Society President welcomed everyone and introduced the program for the evening. She then announced the Master of Ceremonies would be Kent Petersen of Ferron. He is also a cowboy poet.
Huntsman said, “Even though the sky looked cloudy and black like it was going to rain all day, all of you that came knew that it would not rain. We are excited to have the wonderful Muddy Crik Band from Emery to play music for this event.”
More than 150 people came to hear the cowboy poetry this evening.
Huntsman announced next month the Historical Society would be going on a trek to Temple Mountain down through Fremont Junction. There are quite a few interesting things to see on the September trek. She offered cowboy poetry books and the book “Castle Valley Our Town” and “Mountains and Our Desert” for sale.
Following the introductions, Huntsman put on a false mustache and read from a letter recently found in her closet. She claimed, she did not write the letter someone else did. The letter was from a father to his son. “Dear son: I am writing this letter slow cause I know you can’t read real fast. We don’t live where we did when you left. Your mom read in the paper where most accidents happen within 20 miles of home. So we moved. This new place has a washing machine. The first day I got four shirts in it. I pulled the chain and I haven’t seen them since. It only rained twice this week. Three days the first time and four days the second time.
“The coat you wanted me to send you, Mother said it would be too heavy to send in the mail because of the buttons. So we cut them off

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