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Watersheds study nears completion

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The Emery County Public Lands Council, Watersheds Subcommittee me to review a draft of the San Rafael/Muddy Creek Watersheds Study compiled by Todd Stonely from the Utah Division of Water Resources.
There were 14 people attending this meeting representing various agencies interested in the water issues of Emery County. Copies of the Draft for the San Rafael/Muddy Creek Watersheds Study are available. But keep in mind this is only a draft copy and needs several corrections. The updated version of this watersheds study will be available after November.
Chairman Sherrel Ward representing the Public Lands Council and Emery Water Conservancy District opened the meeting with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting. The minutes indicated that Commissioner Nelson would like to investigate a CIB Grant to provide additional water storage for the town of Emery.
Todd Stonely stated The Utah Division of Water Resources has identified a few sites that could store 1,000 acre feet of water near Emery. These sites could be used to store additional drinking water for Emery. Those sites will be included in the report. Also included is the reconstructed well log for two wells drilled at Emery in the past to supply drinking water.
Ward started the review of a draft copy of the San Rafael/Muddy Creek Watersheds Study by asking for comments and corrections to the draft study. This draft lists all of the reservoirs, streams and known sources of water for use in Emery County. The storage capacity of each reservoir is included in the study.
In one section of the study the various geological layers of bedrock throughout the county are listed in a chart form.
The first half of Section 2 is information on the water budget. The water budget has a limited period of record from 1989 to 2011. The second half is information about hydrological models, watersheds and evaporation from the reservoirs. If a new storage reservoir could be placed in the system the model could be used to analyze the hydrologic changes that would result.
Section 4 has missing information from Jay Humphrey of the Emery Water Conservancy District due to a family emergency. His information will be included in the final report.
Environmental water uses and water rights are discussed in this study.
The main purpose of this meeting was to see if there were additional items needing to be added to the water study and to finalize the document by November. After that electronic copies will be made available on the Emery County web page.
Roger Barton representing the Ferron Canal Irrigation Company, the Emery Water Conservancy District and works for the Conservation District reviewed the draft proposal and offered several corrections and comments.
Cody Allred from Pacifi-Corp also had some additional changes and corrections for the San Rafael Watersheds Study.
Most of the comments, histories and corrections will be included in the final document by Todd Stonely.
A final draft of this study will be available for review by the participants in this Water Sheds Subcommittee meeting before November.
The subcommittee plans to present this study to the Emery County Public Lands Council November 6th. If this study is adopted it could be appended to the Emery County General Plan.
The next scheduled meeting for this subcommittee is Nov. 6 at 12:30 p.m.

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