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Former deputy appears in court


"Randon Jay Timothy."

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A former Emery County Sheriff’s Office deputy is in court for allegedly breaking into his former wife’s house. He has resigned his position at the Emery County Sheriff’s Office. He has appeared in the Seventh District Court.
Randon Jay Timothy, date of birth June 17, 1985, appeared in court for charges: 1. Criminal trespass knowing entry unlawful a class A misdemeanor. Initial appearance: a copy of the information is given to the defendant. The information is read. Advised of charges and penalties.
Case continued to allow the defendant time to hire an attorney if he doesn’t represent himself.
Status of case (attorney) is scheduled for Oct. 2.
At the Oct. 2 court date proceedings continued and a preliminary hearing is scheduled for Nov. 20 at 9 a.m. at the Emery County Court house before Judge George M. Harmond.

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