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Candidate spotlights for Nov. 6 election day


"School board-Orangeville Nanette Tanner Nanette Hinkins Tanner is finishing her first term as a school board member. Elected in 2008, she has worked for nearly four years helping to strengthen the district. A native of Emery County, and a champion for excellence in education, Nanette has worked with teachers, administration and students and their families to strive together for the good of education. Nanette's children have attended local schools and Nanette has taught at Cleveland and Huntington Elementary. She has the knowledge, understanding, drive and interest in the school district that makes her a great board member. During this term Nanette built and started the Heritage Home, a full service mortuary. She has poured her heart and soul into serving the residents of Emery County. She continues to be an integral part of the educational system in the county, with a child in high school, two in junior high and two in elementary. She understands the long term needs and commitments required in order to sustain, develop and improve the educational offerings here. Nanette will continue her service to the district through her next term on the board. She expresses her thanks for your support, input and work to bring quality education to our children. "

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Candidate spotlights for Nov. 6 election day

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