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Sitterud Insurance Solutions opens in Huntington


"Ben Lindley, Jesse Sitterud and David Sitterud cut the ribbon to open the new insurance and financial planning business in Huntington. Family, friends and the Emery County Business Chamber welcome the business to Emery County. Tyler Jeffs and Whitney Behling hold the ribbon."

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A new business opens in Huntington. The Emery County Business Chamber helped welcome Sitterud Insurance Solutions to the Emery County business scene. Ben Lindley is operating the Huntington office and the business has an office in American Fork. Jesse Sitterud, from Ferron along with his cousin David Sitterud started the business about a year ago in Lehi and have now moved their office to American Fork. The trio decided a business opportunity existed to bring the services they offer to Emery County, so Lindley jumped at the chance to return to a small town. His wife, Jessica Humphrey, grew up in Orangeville and was excited to return home, too.
Lindley said that’s where they are at now, the new office in Huntington opened on Sept. 1. He’s been commuting, but will soon move the family down to Orangeville. Hopefully they will be settled in Orangeville before Christmas. Ben and Jessica have three children, a 6 year old girl and 4 year old twins, a boy and a girl. He said, “I met Jessica while we were attending school in Cedar City. I went to the Philippines on my mission. I met a lot of Emery County people while attending SUU. Jessica got a teaching job in Riverton and we moved to Lehi. I graduated from Utah Valley University with a degree in psychology. I was a project manager at Alpine fireplaces for eight years.”
Lindley said their background in finance and insurance began at Cambridge Financial. “Jesse, David and I worked at Cambridge Financial and Jay Sitterud, a former Orangeville boy himself, trained us in financial planning. Jesse and David decided to branch out on their own and started Sitterud Insurance Solutions. They toyed with the idea of an Emery County office for a few months and now here I am. We were excited about the opportunities an office down here would present for the residents here. You can get all the benefits without having to go up north.
“We offer two types of services here, protection of people’s assets including, home, auto and business. We offer business insurance, which some other businesses do not. We have the ability to cover large companies and industry. We are very competitive. The other aspect of our business is financial and estate planning. We help with life insurance, annuities, IRAs, etc. We can help you with a stock market portfolio. We offer protection, value and service. We offer everything and you can get the service you deserve right here without leaving the county.
“Financial planning is a value type service. We help people to understand estate and retirement planning. We help with the stock market. We help with investments and helping people to diversify. Many people lost a lot of money in the downturn in the stockmarket. With diversification, those types of devastating losses are protected against. We can help people realize more money for their investments. Some people are paying too many taxes. We can help with that too, putting investments in plans that aren’t taxed as highly. We can help to make the transition from working to retirement as pain free as possible. It’s probably the biggest deal you will go through when you retire, the biggest change. We can help reduce the tax burdens.
“We can help and we are very good at it. Estate planning is a case by case basis, there is no one size fits all when it comes to estate planning and retirement. With auto and home insurance, it’s pretty straight forward and you want to pay the least for the best coverage. But, estate planning is very individual and specialized.
” We want to help retirees have more money on hand. We really think we can’t be beat for our expertise. All three of us combined have 25 years financial planning experience. We don’t each know everything, but working together we have a pretty good shot to do the best job for you. We like to find solutions and we have a creative approach. I am fully confident we can help anyone become more financially secure.
“We have been busy contacting business owners in the area. We want your business. We can handle the size of your company. No company is too big or too small, we can help. We can handle large employers and help take care of everyone. We can save money for those couples just getting started and for our older clients. We also have an attorney Oliver and Sitterud that will help with wills.
“We can completely take you through the estate planning process. You should be meeting with your financial planner on a regular basis, if you’re not something’s wrong. Your needs will change over the years, you need to make sure your estate keeps up.
“We can offer you everything here that a big firm offers up north and you won’t have to travel.
“On 90 percent of the quotes, we’ve been doing we can save people money. We are independent agents and we do business with several of the big carriers. We can help people who don’t have insurance now to get started. We like to get the best deals for people. We have farm insurance. I tell people what’s the worst that can happen by having us look over their policies, It’s nothing, nothing could change, or we could offer them a better value. It’s like getting a second opinion. The best thing would be that we could add value to your situation. Or you could spend the same, and get more services.
“There are many aspects to life insurance, we can offer policies that can double and triple the death benefit. You need to have enough life insurance to take care of your family if you’re not here to do it. You might have enough life insurance to pay off the house, but what is your family going to live on? We can maximize the money going into your bank account. We can help with when is the best time for drawing your social security.
“During our 60s we will really make important decisions and we have to live with those decisions into our 70s and 80s. We can tackle these tough issues for folks. Remember, things are always changing. The life insurance you had 20 years ago may not work for you today. When is the last time you sat down and discussed financial goals for yourself and your family. We can help people out. We can offer security and peace of mind, that some of these things will be taken care of. The loss of a loved one is a difficult time, but we can help you feel confident that your financial affairs are in order.
“The reason we have opened this Emery County office is to bring these services to you. We want to be accessible for people to come in and talk to us. Unexpected events come up in your life, you should keep your financial plan up to date.
“We want to be around family, so this is a good move for us. We want to live and raise our kids in a small community,” said Lindley.
Whitney Behling is the account manager for the business. She recently moved back to Ferron so she could be around family too.
The business is opening in a portable office, but would like to some day build a more permanent building.
Call Sitterud Insurance Solutions at 687-5655 for a free quote or visit them at 365 South Main in Huntington.

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