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Senior Wish, Ben Bradley gets his wish to fly again


"Ben Bradley with his pilot Jody Cox, flight instructor at the Huntington Airport."

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The Huntington Airport was the spot for the granting of a wish recently. Jody Cox, who is an instructor at the airport had the chance to participate in granting a wish for Ben Bradley. The wish came as part of the Senior Wish Program for Communtity Nursing.
Program Coordinator Diane Moore said, “The Community Nursing Services Senior Wish Program provides an opportunity for our home health and hospice patients to relive an old memory or experience a new adventure. The CNS Senior Wish Program was created to help fulfill the personal life wishes of Utah’s seniors. At CNS, we believe every life matters and we strive to enrich the lives of our elders. Our reputation for excellence is founded in the belief that caring and compassion never go out of style. Granting wishes is our way of saying thank you to a generation of hard working and independent seniors for their years of dedication and commitment.”
Bradley is a retired electrician who always had a passion for airplanes and he learned to fly when he was younger and loved flying small planes. On this day the trick was getting Bradley into the plane as he has lost his mobility now due to age and illness. Once in the plane it was all smiles as Bradley and his daughter Stasha Bulleri from Las Vegas flew off into the sky with Cox as the pilot.
“He had a great time, once they got him into the airplane. The pilot, Jody Cox, even let him fly the airplane. The experience was made possible by the Community Nursing Services Senior Wish Program, with assistance from Kyla Monosso from the Emery County Care and Rehabilitation Center who transported Ben to the Huntington Airport and Leonard and Tracy Norton, Huntington EMT’s who helped get Ben into the airplane. The pilot, Jody Cox donated his time to help make Ben’s Senior Wish come true.”
Moore said being involved in wishes is very rewarding, one lady wanted to go river rafting for the first time. One gentleman just wanted to be able to give his wife a dozen roses one more time. One lady went on a spa day and was treated like a queen. One Senior Wish recipient had worked with rodeos and rodeo queen pageants for years and she wanted to be a rodeo queen, so they crowned her rodeo queen and she was able to have a crown. One patient that came from Elmo wanted to attend a production at the Hale Theatre, stay in a hotel and eat lobster.
Moore wants everyone to know that age isn’t a factor for the wishes. She hopes to grant as many wishes as she is able to with available funds. The Senior Wish Program needs your help. Together, we have an opportunity to make Senior Wishes come true by working with local businesses, community groups, organizations and volunteers. Please help someone’s last wish come true by donating your time, products and/or financial support. For more information and to find out how you can help make our Senior Wish Program a success, please contact: Diane Moore 801-639-5422 office 801-918-9990 cell.

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