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Letters to the Editor

By Kyson Stilson Orangeville

Things learned while playing basketball

My name is Kyson Stilson. I am 12 years old and I attend Cottonwood Elementary in Orangeville. I am writing to you to fulfill a requirement for the Communications Merit Badge. The assignment is to write to the editor of the newspaper to express opinion or share information on a subject. I am writing to tell you about my experiences on a traveling basketball team this year.
I am playing on a team that plays in a sixth grade AAU league in Utah County that includes teams from Utah and Salt Lake Counties. Our team is coached by Ty Jensen of Cleveland. He is a really great coach. Our team has players from all over Emery County including Orangeville, Huntington and Cleveland. Many of the players on the teams that we play against are much bigger than our players. However, so far we are doing pretty good this year. Our record so far is 9-1 and we now heading into the tournament as the No. 1 seed. Last year our team won the championship for our division and hopefully we will win it this year. Whether we win or lose, I am having a lot of fun, making great friends, learning that hard work pays off, and learning the importance of belonging to a team. Go Emery.

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