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Green River golf team visits Millsite golf course


"Landon Fluckey tees off on hole 13 at Millsite Golf Course."


As they hoped for before the season began, the Green River golf team is having a good season. About half-way through the schedule, Green River is leading the region by almost 60 strokes per meet as the Pirates are establishing themselves as the team to beat this season.
Landen Fluckey and Chance Pfander are competing hard to be the best golfer on the team and that competition is making both of them better. Both Landen and Chance are golfers that shoot in the mid-eighties and are golfing consistently this season. They are rated as the second and third best golfer in the region behind a gofer from Monticello.
Zack Shaffer has constantly this season been in the top four golfers for the Pirates in every meet. TJ Hughes, Nick Corrigan and Nik Shaffer are the other golfers that compete in every meet and they take turns being in the top three of four for the team.
The team competed at Millsite Golf Course in Ferron and then after that, they will have three meets left before region. They will play twice at Monticello and once at Carbon before the region meet in held at Carbon.
Kira Engelman could not stand being away from golf this season and has joined Mikayla Shaffer in competing individually for the Pirates with both being in the top 10 golfers in the region and both should make the state tournament this season.

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