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Commission reports on airport improvements


"There is more use of the Huntington Airport since improvements to the infrastructure. More plans are underway including a north/south runway."

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In the building authority meeting the commission approved a contract with Johansen and Tuttle to begin work on a five year plan for the Huntington Airport, The work for the previous five year improvement plan has been completed including taking out the old house and clearing trees from the safety zone, a new hangar was installed and a new home. Improvements have been made to the electrical, water and sewer systems. A prefab building will be placed at the airport which will include showers and restrooms. Also as part of the new five year plan another hangar will be added and a runway which will run north-south. Part of it will be paved and part will be hard packed gravel. This runway will help eliminate problems with crosswinds that come from the east-west runway. The airport manager Leon Defriez does a good job reported Commissioner Jeff Horrocks.
All-Star Property Maintenance received the bid for the lawn care for the county libraries. Each library is a different price per week depending on the size of the lawn area.
The commission approved the county submitting an application for funds from the Utah Department of Transportation for repairs to the Green River cut-off road. The road is used for recreation and mineral extraction. If the application is approved the money is a 93 percent 7 percent match with the county’s portion being seven percent.
The commission approved the CIB priority list prepared by the cities where they list projects they would like to complete with CIB funds. One of the high priority projects is the new Green River fire station. Commissioner Horrocks reminded everyone that for a project to be funded it must be on that priority list. The list will be submitted to the CIB by the Association of Governments.
The commission approved some changes to the bylaws of the public lands council. Council members will now serve for four years instead of two year terms. Members terms that will last until 2017 will include Ed Geary, Mark Williams, Bruce Wilson, Rod Player, Sherrel Ward. Other members terms will end in January 2015- Mistie Christiansen, Jon Gilbert, Chuck Semborski. This will allow terms to be staggered.
The commission approved a tax deferral agreement for the Potter family where the home owner recently passed away.
The commission approved the noxious weed control agreement with the Bureau of Land Management.
Commissioner Migliori reported he met with Victor Iverson from Senator Lee’s office about the Emery County Public land use bill.
Commissioner James Nelson said he gave a guided tour to Rep. Jason Chaffetz office in the San Rafael Swell.
Ray Petersen, public lands director said it was good to get them out on the ground to look at the features of Emery County and he believes their eyes were opened to the scale of Emery County. They showed him some really beautiful sites in the county.
Commissioner Nelson reported the county is working with the Humbug Cattle company on some issues with off-road vehicles on their private land.
Commissioner Horrocks said the commission met with UDOT and discussed transportation issues in Emery County.
Seventh graders from Canyon View Junior High visited the commission office and learned about county government.
The historical preservation committee is working to install a kiosk at the Lucky Strike mine to tell the history of the mining district on the Swell.
The new building for the weed and mosquito department will be delivered soon and the work will begin to erect the building and install the parking lot. When the building is complete the old buildings will be removed at the old location.

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