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Summer fun Ideas and 4-H at festive Friday


"Barbra Jones gives tips on summer picnics."

By Alice Wadley staff writer

Festive Friday for May was held at the old courthouse. Barbra Jones offered safety tips and advice on summer picnics. Jones said to keep hot foods by keeping them with other hot foods and to keep cold foods cold by storing them with other cold foods.
Do not store hot and cold foods together. Keep all of your foods at a safe temperature, especially mayonnaise and egg based salads. These salads can only be kept out for one and a half hours before spoiling. Instead of a mayonnaise based salad try a vinegar based salad, like potato or pasta. Don’t bring green salad to a picnic, chances are the lettuce will be wilted by the time you are ready to serve it. Try a grain based salad like quinoa or farro, a lot of recipes are available on the internet. Try making your sandwiches on site that way the bread will not become soggy. Cookies are a great idea for dessert because they are portable. Don’t buy expensive flavored water mixes, try putting in mint leaves or lemons in water for a refreshing drink.
Christine Jensen offered suggestions for summer fun. She said while traveling over the summer with children it is helpful to take along fun things such as softballs, soccer balls, bases, bats, football and water guns. For older children badminton and volleyball sets work well. A travel kit is a great way to keep kids entertained. Travel kits can include craft supplies, books, snacks, a journal and more. Customize the kit to your child’s interests.
Put together a scrapbook on the road with loose-leaf rings. Bring some supplies, such as a hole punch, along for the ride. Kids can draw vehicles they see on plain tags with pre-punched holes and record the days highlights on postcards from every stop.
Leave bulky games at home and hit the beach, park or swimming pool with a compact, portable game board fashioned from a place mat. Use a fabric ink and a vinyl eraser to create designs. Gather stones or shells for the game pieces. Other kits you may consider making are a sun protection kit, swim kit, leisure kit and a picnic kit. Always include an emergency roadside kit/first aid kit. These kits should contain bandages and other first aid items, an air compressor, a screwdriver, duct tape, jumper cables, scissors, gloves, rags, fuses, flares and other items useful in an emergency. You can buy preassembled or make your own kit.
Jensen highlighted 4-H activities, which are held in the Castle Dale park behind the court house. These classes are open to anyone. “You must register through the extension office. Adults are welcome to take the classes as well, but we also need help supervising kids in these classes. If your children or grandchildren participate, plan on spending an hour and a half with them doing activities,” said Jensen. Contact the USU extension office at 381-2381.

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