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Green River High School class of 2013


"Royd Hatt presents the diplomas."

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Green River High school held their graduation on May 23. Principal Nolan Johnson welcomed everyone and outlined the commencement program. Feleisha Antillion, the Salutatorian spoke first. Antillion shared memories of her class with everyone. She said, she has mixed emotions about graduation, happiness, excitement and is sad because she is leaving her second family. Antillion gave the senior class quote “you have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you chose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the one who’ll decide where to go,” by Dr. Seuss from the book Oh, the Places You’ll Go. It’s up to you. You are your own person, to believe in yourself and never give up. The class of 2013, it is time, we made it as a family and friends. We are off and we will miss everyone. We have all grown so close this year and I don’t want to say good bye so I won’t. See you later and thank you.
Jamie Johnson, the Valedictorian spoke next, after 14 years of school, we have come to know those who are smart and smart alecks. We have what it takes to be successful. Those who are successful have wonderful things planned for them. They are very smart, work very hard and they are lucky. They make the most of their intelligence and hard work. Johnson shared quotes from Mother Teresa and John Wooden, “Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.” Thomas S. Monson said, “The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it.” Be happy with who you are and make the most of who you become. Johnson closed with a quote from Harriet Tubman, “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
Craig Gowans spoke about jobs, earning money and saving. He said, “Money will never buy you lasting happiness in comparison to the happiness that comes from serving others. Any time you give freely of yourself you will be rewarded with happiness. The satisfaction of serving far outweighs the satisfaction of anything else bought with money.” C.S. Lewis said, “Nothing you have not given away will ever really be yours.” I believe true happiness can only be experienced when you give of yourself and work for the benefit and well-being of others. Your education should, must and needs to continue if you expect to lead a fulfilled life. On May 10, 1994 Nelson Mandella became the first democratically elected president of South Africa he said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” He changed the world through education. You don’t have to change the entire world but you can change yours. You can gain knowledge through experience. Albert Einstein said, “Your only source of knowledge is experience.” Consider everyday, every situation and every experience an opportunity to learn. Decide what kind of future you want and work for it. Remember you are part of a community, your life and your choices have social consequences whether good or bad.
Gowans told about Frederick Douglas and his quest for education. You will never be at a disadvantage if you are educated. Gowans closed with a story about a group of chickens who saw an eagle and wished they could fly. The chickens got the attention of the eagle and called him down to the ground. They asked the eagle to teach them to fly. The eagle responded I can’t teach you to fly, the potential is there already you must train and believe. The chickens listened to the eagles instructions, watched his demonstration and practiced diligently. After watching all of the chickens hard work the eagle gathered the chickens and told them they could do everything they dreamed of to soar through the sky, reach new horizons, to see and experience the world for themselves. The future is within your grasps now said the eagle now go use your new skills to achieve the potential you worked for so long and hard. The journey is yours. Grateful for the eagles instructions the chickens set off on their dream to reach their grand potential walking away on their own two feet.
Tonight you are going to walk away with a high school diploma. Are you going to walk away or are you going to fly away? Remember you are the person who will decide where to go. All of your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them. No one can make your future for you. You have to do it.
A slide show was presented to all in attendance highlighting each member of the senior class. Nolan Johnson presented the class for graduation. School board member Royd Hatt presented the seniors with their diplomas.
The final speaker was Student body president, Cassi Mecham who said, the senior class of 2013 has finally accomplished what we have been working for the last couple years. “I have mixed feelings about tonight. Tonight is the last chance we have to get together as a class, but we have traveled together as a team. I am so proud of how far we have come. I am so happy we can share this night together. We have so much ahead of us so many opportunities that are now waiting at our finger tips.” We are all going our own separate ways so we can finally accomplish our dreams. We are all here tonight even though we leave each other as classmates doesn’t mean we leave each other as friends and family.
A reception was held for the students to meet with family and friends.

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