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San Rafael backcountry horsemen decorate outlying graves


"Wayne Ludington of the San Rafael BackCountry Horsemen stands behind the monument for the unidentified man found in Deadman Canyon."

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The San Rafael Back Country Horsemen answered the call of the Emery County Progress and Sun Advocate newspapers to leave no grave unadorned. The project recently concluded its fourth year. Back Country Horsemen chose three isolated grave sites to decorate.
The first was a baby’s grave in Hambrick Bottoms on the San Rafael River, near the former town of Wilsonville, Emery County. The second was the monument to the deadman who was found in Deadman Canyon, near the Centennial Mine, in Carbon County. The third was the grave of Annabelle Marsing, who was buried on the Marsing Ranch overlooking the Price River, about 8 miles northwest of Woodside, Emery County.
Secretary/Treasurer of the club, Priscilla Burton said, “We enjoyed learning about the lives of these pioneers who paved the way for us. Their lives were so different 100 years ago, it makes one wonder what changes the next 100 years will bring.

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