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Letter to the Editor – Need more participation in politics

By Tim and Tammy Lacock Ferron

Recently when I attended the Emery County Republican Organizing Convention, I was saddened to see that only half of the precinct delegates attended the convention. In addition, less than 15 visitors came to observe. As far as I could tell, there was only one delegate under the age of 30. Furthermore, the only teens in attendance were those who were helping run the registration table.
The historic city-state of Athens is renowned for having been a government incomparable to any other: a government in which more people proudly participated in than any other government in history. But, the democracy Athens had could not run unless the people were involved. Even so, our republic can only function if the people are involved. If we refuse to become involved in our government, our government will gradually become more and more oligarchic and will begin to run without the will of the people until it becomes a monarchy or dictatorship entirely.
The only way to ensure the survival of our republic and to help it change is if we the people become involved in our government again. We the people need to step up and take action, our teens especially. The faithful delegates who were at the convention were all over 30 It is wonderful that they are involved in our government, but after that generation-what then? A new generation of civic-minded people will not just spring out of the ground-America’s teens and young adults need to start influencing their nation by getting involved in government.
We are our future. If we fail to become involved in our nation at such a critical time as this, our nation will crumble, and we will have no one to blame but ourselves. So, how about it America? Will you stand for your nation, or will you watch it disintegrate because you refused to take initiative and become involved in your government-a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

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