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Letters to the Editor

By Traci Bulkley Pleasant Grove

What a gift life is

My son was born with half a heart. The only way to ‘fix’ it is to get a new one. From someone else. Thankfully he’s not sick enough yet to be listed, and great doctors have bought him some time.
It’s heartbreaking to think that someone else will lose a loved one to save mine. The truth is it happens every day. While I never wish for someone to experience that pain, I am extremely grateful for those, who in the midst of a heartbreaking trial, give the gift of life. I have personally felt the effects of this gift. My son is the recipient of donor tissue. I have watched children both receive and give life saving organs. I’ve also watched families wait for that gift and not receive it in time.
Being a part of this ‘heart world,’ as we call our new reality, has opened my eyes and my heart. I was a donor before out of obligation, or maybe even guilt. I’m a donor now because I know what a gift life is.
Have the conversation with your families, tonight, including your children. Make your wishes known. Say YES! by going to sayyesutah.org

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