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Chris and Courtnee Justice operate CCs Laundry in Castle Dale


"Business chamber members Jared Anderson, Ann Jones, Ethan Migliori and President Julie Jones welcome CC's Laundromat to Castle Dale. Chris and Courtnee Justice recently purchased the business from the Wilcox family. Those attending include: Kathy Bringhurst, Tai Justice, Seth Justice, Bethany Justice, Luke Justice, Marsha World, David Justice and Derek Justice."

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Chris and Courtnee Justice have purchased the former Wilcox Laundry in Castle Dale. They have renamed the laundromat, CC’s Laundry.
They have installed nine new washers and have four large capacity washers for sleeping bags and blankets.
Marsha World has been employed at the laundry for 26 years. She said dry cleaning has come a long way over the years and the new chemical used doesn’t have a smell like it did before. “You can drop off laundry and dry cleaning and it will be done the next day. We also do pressing. Laundry is charged by the pound and we return it to you washed, dried and folded. You can dry clean suits, slacks, dresses, shirts, comforters, coats, drapes, and both womens and mens clothes.”
The laundry is open 7 a.m. – 9 p.m. and the dry cleaning is open Tuesday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Courtney said, “We hope one day to have a mobile laundry service. But for now you can call me at 820-0594 and you can drop off laundry-dry cleaning at my house from the north end of the county and we will bring it back. We really want to accommodate the north end of the county and help them to use this service. It’s a 24 hour turnaround for the dry cleaning. Marsha does a great job and she presses clothes if you don’t have time, just drop them off. They are really nice with a crease. If you need to drop off clothes when Marsha isn’t there, you can bring them next door to the insurance office.
Wilcox Laundry was established in 1963 by Grandpa Wilcox and was in the family until the present time.
Call 381-WASH for more information. The Emery County Business Chamber hosted a ribbon cutting on Tuesday to welcome the new business to Castle Dale.

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