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Damage at Goblin Valley State Park


"A hoodoo in Goblin Valley was knocked off its perch by three men staying at the park."


Three men camping at the Goblin Valley State Park allegedly did some damage to a Hoodoo. One of the men Glen Taylor was seen on a video on Facebook moving the boulder back and forth and then toppling the boulder off the dirt that was holding it. The men claimed the boulder was loose and could possibly fall on someone that was walking by.
State Park’s became aware of the episode when the video was posted on the internet and everyone could view the damage the men did to the Hoodoo. Serious felony charges could be filed against the men for the damage they did at the state park. The men were apparently scout leaders and could lose their positions if convicted of a felony. The men told a Salt Lake television station that they regretted not alerting a park ranger that the boulder was loose.
Emery County Sheriff Greg Funk said the Utah State Parks Law enforcement is handling the investigation of the matter. Charges could be filed at the Seventh District Court by County Attorney David Blackwell or the investigation could be sent to the Utah State Attorney General’s Office for prosecution. Emery County Attorney’s Office said, “Many inquiries have been made to the Emery County Attorney’s Office regarding the video of the rock being tipped over in Goblin Valley State Park. The County Attorney’s Office has spoken with the State Park representative but as of this date, (Oct. 18) no reports have been submitted and no charges have been filed. The County Attorney’s Office will review the case upon completion of the investigation and determine what action to take at that point.

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