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Business spotlight: Green River Coffee Company


"Amy Wilmarth owns the Green River Coffee Company."


Amy Wilmarth from the Green River Coffee Company was highlighted at the Green River Lunch and Learn.
Wilmarth said the business has been open since 2004 and she’s been the owner since 2007. She said it’s often hard to retain employees in Green River, because the school age kids move on, but she has Kimberly now and she’s been a great employee for the business. Kimberly also operates a nail business called Kim’s nails.
The Green River Coffee Shop offers a wide variety of coffees, teas, cocoa and drinks. They have a lunch and breakfast menu and a great selection of ice cream flavors along with shakes. They feature a soda fountain and a gift shop and free internet access. In March-November the business opens at 6:30 a.m. and closes at 3 p.m. The winter time hours are much shorter. After the morning coffee drinkers have come and gone, the business will close for the day.
Wilmarth said they will do catering for your event. She has served meals at various events around Green River. The business is located at 25 East Main.
Wilmarth said she serves Green River melon along with every sandwich when the melons are in season.
She is a member of the Green River potluck group which is a business owners association to help Green River grow. She is a member of the planning commission and the medical center board. She is a long-time EMT and is on call with the ambulance most of the time. She teaches CPR. “I love Green River and I love living here,” said Wilmarth.

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