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Travel bureau funds event related projects for 2014


The Emery County Travel Bureau conducted their last meeting of the year and awarded funds to various organizations for events and advertising.
The board is in need of one new member and they approved to start advertising for this board position. Taina Benson from Gilly’s will be stepping down from the board. The board thanked her for her work in promoting travel in Emery County.
Mike McCandless was re-elected as chairman of the board. Keith Brady is the vice chairman. The board approved the meeting schedules for 2014. There won’t be a meeting in January because board members will be attending travel shows.
The board approved the funding to the Desert Rock classic golf tournament. It will be held June 20-21 in 2014. Last year there were 49 golfers in the tournament and 30 of those were from out of town. They stayed in rooms at Gilly’s and the Village Inn. Others stayed at the Millsite Campground. The golf tourney would like to add a ladies division this year.
McCandless pointed out the travel bureau helped to get the funding for the back nine at the golf course and Transient Room tax funds help make the payments each year on the back nine. The Desert Rock Classic is in its third year and will continue to grow and become a signature event for Millsite Golf Course.
Monies were also approved for the Huntington Airport fly-in in September; the historical preservation committee is putting up life-size silhouettes to depict the Spanish Trail; the San Rafael Classic Triathlon held at the Huntington Lake each year in July; and promotion of Melon Days in Green River.
A movie will be filmed with locations in both Emery and Carbon counties starting the last week of January and into February for 60 days. Support from local businesses has been great for this project. It is a supernatural-thriller movie.
Sarah Siefken from state parks reported the snow mobile trails grooming has started in Huntington Canyon. The trails committee is working on the request for proposals for the trail from Huntington Lake into town.
The trails committee will also be doing some archeological studies on the bouldering sites in Joe’s Valley and Cottonwood Canyon.
McCandless reported mountain biking is really taking off around Green River.
Commissioner Migliori reported the museums were open during the holidays and some items from the pioneer museum have been moved down to the Museum of the San Rafael in special displays designed to promote visitors to the Pioneer Museum. A $10,000 grant has been received by the Museum of the San Rafael for a new mammoth display outlining the history of the discovery of the Huntington Canyon mammoth.
Tina Carter has been placed on the museum board so she can work closely with that board to bring visitors into the museums.
Twenty-five applications were received for the curator position at the John Wesley Powell River Museum in Green River.
Another project the travel bureau is working on is the placement of TVs in local businesses which will show travel videos of Emery County and promote local attractions.
The board worked out the staffing for upcoming travel shows in San Diego, Quartsite, Salt Lake and Denver.
The travel bureau meetings alternate between Castle Dale and Green River.

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