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Missing man found on desert

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Missing man found in Emery County.
On Jan. 17, at approximately 10:30 a.m., David Fielder who was working as a ranch hand on Cedar Mountain called the Emery County Sheriff’s Office. He reported there was a man in his camp near the East Cedar Mountain area. Lt. Gayle Jensen responded to the area.
He met with Fielder who said the man was in his camp trailer. The man had arrived at Fielder’s camp earlier that morning and said he was sick and needed help.
The man was asleep in the camp trailer when Lt. Jensen and Fielder arrived to check on him. Lt. Jensen verified that the man was the missing person Steven Gurr. Lt. Jensen reported that Gurr told him he was glad to see him and that he wasn’t feeling well. Lt. Jensen said Gurr was confused and disoriented. Fielder gave Gurr a sandwich and water.
Lt. Jensen gave Gurr a 28 mile ride back to Interstate 70 and met with the Emery EMTs who transported Gurr to the Sevier Valley Hospital in Richfield where he was checked.
Lt. Jensen reported that Gurr told him he had been lost for the last couple of days and had not had his medications.

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