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Elmo Town Council swearing in ceremony


"Casey Lofley is the mayor of Elmo and Stoney Jensen is a council person. Delena Fish swears them into office."

By ALICE WADLEY staff writer

Elmo town held their monthly council meeting on Feb. 5. The council has received a few complaints about the sidewalks in town. They are raising, causing the sidewalks to be uneven. They will look into the issue and find out the cost of repair. There are three areas in town that need to be examined.
The county commissioners have tabled the issue of the tippage fees for the county landfill. It will be further discussed in the mayor’s meeting on May 1.
The council discussed sending the animal control officer to a training event. It will cost the city money to send her. The city may look into getting a one year commitment from the animal control officer to stay on with the city. If the commitment is not met she will have to reimburse the city for the expenses incurred for the training. A well trained animal control officer will be a great benefit to the city.
The council voted to approve an increase for culinary water users outside the district for overages. The increase will be 50 cents per 1,000 gallons or and increase from $1.40 to $1.90.
Elmo is looking to lease property by the water tanks. The town attorney was contacted and advised them, it would be best to put out a public notice about the land available for lease. They will put out a public notice with a close date of March 3 for sealed bids.
At the LEPC meeting, CERT teams were discussed. Elmo doesn’t have one. The council will gauge interest to see if it would be feasible to start one.
The 2013 audit has been completed. There was one discrepancy that was found with the road department. Elmo will appeal this discrepancy. There might have been a mistake on the auditors part. They have tried to contact the auditor, but have not had a return call.
The natural gas bill increased this month, nearly doubling the previous month. They will make sure nothing is wrong with the furnace and remind everyone to check the thermostat before they leave. They will look at the bill next month to see if the bill goes down.
The council voted to pay the bills and the meeting was adjourned.

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