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Huntington Elementary reads more than One Million minutes


"Principal Garth Johnson lets the students check out his new haircut. "

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Students from Huntington Elementary have achieved their goal of reading one million minutes. As a reward for their hard work Mr. Johnson had his head shaved by Alyssa Truman. Gwen Callahan from the Emery County School District presented the school with a recognition. Mrs. Rowley’s class read the most minutes and she took the first swipe out of Mr. Johnson’s hair. Students read a poem about the haircut. “The man with no hair. He took the dare and now his head is bare. He went and shaved his head, for the million minutes that we read! Beware, beware the man who lost his hair. He’s kind, he’s brave. We read so he would shave. Beware, beware the man with no hair. He took on the dare, because he truly cares! We love you!”

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